Questions from entry-level player


I have a friend who has been counting cards on weekends for years, down in AC and also up at Seneca Niagara. This friend has made some nice pocket money.

Inspired by my friend, I studied, practiced and then hit my local casino in PA. I have been playing a few hours once a weekend, Fri nights or Saturday afternoons, for the past month. I am proceeding cautiously in this pursuit .. don't want to blow a large sum ... and am up overall by a few hundred dollars.

I have a few questions. Does the pit boss take notes on players? I see some of them at the computer, typing. I use a player's club card. It was weird that when I was buying more chips one evening, and went to give them my card, the different pitboss said he already knew who I was. I asked him how and he said that my description is in their computer.

Also, last time I played, they went from placing the cut card only 2 decks from the end (of an 8-deck shoe) to cutting it about three decks from the end. Does this mean that they suspected a card counter?

The casino that I play at seems frequented by people who have no idea of even basic strategy, let alone card counting. I have been counting, but since I am new, female and only spreading my bets by a small factor, I didn't think they would suspect me.


Well-Known Member
If you gave them your player's card, why wouldn't they know your name?
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Yes, they take the card when I buy in. But when I went to buy additional chips later, from a different pit poss at a different table, he said I didn't need to give him my card. He knew who I was from the description in the computer. My question is -- why would they need to write down what I am wearing and such? Do they keep tabs on my play?


Well-Known Member
Serious? Ha ha you are a paranoid n00b. They are writing down your buy ins and such, and other player's buys in. They don't write your description of what your wearing and appearance (they might know just your sex and age, or whatever info is on a driver's license). The new pit boss knows your name because your position at the table is already recorded from the previous pit critter.

And lol on the deck penetration, it changes all the time, wouldn't worry about that either.


Well-Known Member
SBT said:
Yes, they take the card when I buy in. But when I went to buy additional chips later, from a different pit poss at a different table, he said I didn't need to give him my card. He knew who I was from the description in the computer. My question is -- why would they need to write down what I am wearing and such? Do they keep tabs on my play?
Yes, of course they do. What would be the point of giving them your card if they didn't? They write down a brief description- middle aged male in a Raider sweatshirt, older latin male in a brown suit, ect, so they can casualy look over and see if you are still there. If in the same genral pit, they would already have you down.
How would you get comps if they don't track your play?


Gamblor, Shadrock was correct that they did write down what I was wearing. And no thanks for the aspersion. If you can't reply kindly then please don't bother. I am new at playing and if I had a question. You were new once, too.


Well-Known Member

I don't play rated so they don't know my name. In my case the ONLY way they know me is by my description which they do put in the computer. I saw my description write up in the computer one time while sitting at 3rd base. It said something like:

"** to ** (age withheld) year old guy wearing a black ****** (branded) ball cap and ***** (color) golf shirt".

I asked the PB about it once in casual conversation and he told me that the management wants either a name or a description on everyone playing and he used to make up names for people to satisfy the rule but his boss didn't like him inputting a "red-neck" looking guy as "Jethro" or a nerdy looking guy as "Poindexter" or an attractive woman as "Bambi", etc. so he now has to put in a detailed description on people who are not playing rated. Since you are playing rated I don't see any reason why they would need to type in your description. Your card tells them who you are and then they just type in your name and the seat number you are playing.

Also, Don't take any offense to the perceived "aspersion" (and I don't think you are talking about the sprinkling with holy water version) from Gamblor. Every noob has to accept at least a little bit of sarcasm and **** busting when they first post. Look at it as part of your initiation rite.:grin:


Thanks for the info, Jay.

Regarding Gamblor, perhaps there is a bit of collegial razzing that goes on in this forum, & he didn't mean any harm. However, when one is new, one doesn't want to be called a name; it comes across as hostile. Plus, I am a woman, and not sure how many others there are here, & I don't want to be talked down to.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they do record your description.

One time, I was playing at a place I stay overnight. Next morning, PB says to me - weren't you wearing a blue shirt earlier? I told him I usually change my clothes daily, just to make their job more difficult :)


Well-Known Member
SBT said:
Gamblor, Shadrock was correct that they did write down what I was wearing. And no thanks for the aspersion. If you can't reply kindly then please don't bother. I am new at playing and if I had a question. You were new once, too.
No aspersion meant, just find a n00bs paranoia kind of funny, its kind of a helpful suggestion to you.

And NO, the vast majority of casinos do not record your description. I'm sorry, do some of you people actually step into a casino? How often does this happen, when a new pit critter steps in, they ask you "Are you John Doe?". Why in the hell would the do this if they have a detailed description of you in their computer? Furthermore, what a horrible waste of time to type in a blurb of every customer's detail. I have never seen a description of clothing style, etc., of anyone on the computer screen.

Unless your playing unrated!


Well-Known Member
SBT said:
However, when one is new, one doesn't want to be called a name
You titled this thread: "Questions from an entry level player". Gamblor referred to you as a n00b; which is short/slang for newbie or new player. This is exactly how you identified yourself in the opening thread. He wasn't name calling just restating a fact that you already disclosed and reconfirmed in the quote above.

Also, you're not the only female on the board.....see posts by "yesIamred" and "So_Cal BJ", so you won't feel out of place.....They will raz you a little too:grin:


Well-Known Member
jaygruden said:
You titled this thread: "Questions from an entry level player". Gamblor referred to you as a n00b; which is short/slang for newbie or new player. This is exactly how you identified yourself in the opening thread. He wasn't name calling just restating a fact that you already disclosed and reconfirmed in the quote above.
Newbie (or newb), not n00b, is the correct label in this instance. See here:


Well-Known Member
To answer the OP again, this is pretty normal where I play. I guess I play what you would refer to as 'rated', so when I hand over my cash to the dealer, they take my card and note how much ive 'spent' to add to there complimentary points system. I only have to do this once, and from then on they know who I am. Mainly because here in the UK you have to join most casinos as a member, and they get a nice mugshot of you when you do.

So on there screen is my big happy smiley face :grin: and when I hand over X amount, they just log it so I can redeem it in free food, services etc etc.

Nothing sinister.
Actually, at a lot of the stores I have been to the pit records info on players, rated or refusal. This is even more true the bigger your bets become of course. *chuckles* I remember being taken off guard the first time a PB asked me "is that shirt blue or green?" and then typed it into the computer.

Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not after you :p But, also remember that things you think are heat might just be them doing their job.