Questions on penalty plays


Well-Known Member
hi folks,
When using cutting and steering techniques,on some plays i realise that i must deviate from B/S to maniputlate the steer card to myself or the dealer,i.e hitting to eat up cards or standing to preserve them. i was just wondering if anybody had a table or chart that lists the cost in expection to such plays when the steer card is off, i.e standing 12 v 10, or hitting 17v 6 etc etc,
i know if the steer card hits the spot it wont matter cause the advantage of say a ten steered to the dealer would be considrable, also with an ace to player big bet.

any help would be great cheers.


Well-Known Member
BJLover said:
hi folks,
When using cutting and steering techniques,on some plays i realise that i must deviate from B/S to maniputlate the steer card to myself or the dealer,i.e hitting to eat up cards or standing to preserve them. i was just wondering if anybody had a table or chart that lists the cost in expection to such plays when the steer card is off, i.e standing 12 v 10, or hitting 17v 6 etc etc,
i know if the steer card hits the spot it wont matter cause the advantage of say a ten steered to the dealer would be considrable, also with an ace to player big bet.

any help would be great cheers.
Also, i know if you get an ace as your first card that the player has a 51%advantage, what does this mean for your actual advantage for that hand, is it 75.5% player, 24.5% dealer?????
Is there a percentage advantage for an ace as your second card??? i know this would vary with each different first card you might receive, but is there an average figure in expectation for a second card ace????
cheers, any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
Here are the charts for the EV of any hand and any play: (Archive copy)

You can determine the cost of misplays from that. As far as the ace advantages, you are correct that the player gets about a 51% advantage when he gets an ace as either the first or second card. In either case the advantage is dependant on the other card he receives and the probabilities are about the same. The dealer's advantage with an ace is about 30% I believe.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Here are the charts for the EV of any hand and any play: (Archive copy)

You can determine the cost of misplays from that. As far as the ace advantages, you are correct that the player gets about a 51% advantage when he gets an ace as either the first or second card. In either case the advantage is dependant on the other card he receives and the probabilities are about the same. The dealer's advantage with an ace is about 30% I believe.

Cheers sonny, the E.V probability tables are cool,away to get stuck in.:cool2: