Quick $500... Only Read if You Are an Experienced Blackjack Player


Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
actually he sent me a program called Cipher 3.0 and I just used that. Now all I have to do is send my name, address, phone number, SSN, checking account #, routing #, bank name and address and the $500 will be deposited into my account.
that's only the first step. more instructions will follow...:p


Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
actually he sent me a program called Cipher 3.0 and I just used that. Now all I have to do is send my name, address, phone number, SSN, checking account #, routing #, bank name and address and the $500 will be deposited into my account.
Oh, I've played that system before. Aren't your supposed to raise your bet every time a member of the Nigerian royal family is displaced?