Raiders stadium approved by Nevada State Senate


Well-Known Member
LVBear584 said:
An unfortunate occurrence for taxpayers, who will likely end up holding the bag on this project, as with most publicly-funded stadiums. It still has some politicians to push through (or push around), so there is still a tiny chance it will be stopped.

Raiders stadium project for Las Vegas clears Nevada Senate in 16-5 vote
The Senate was supposed to be the easier of the two chambers to get approval from. My understanding is there is a bit more opposition in the assembly, which will vote in the next few days. My guess is they will do whatever necessary to twist arms though.

However, I fear the Raiders are likely "using" Las Vegas to get a new stadium deal in Oakland. In addition, the NFL rules needs 24 approval votes among the 32 owners to approve the move and the commissioner has said his first choice is for the Raiders to stay in Oakland.

I hope the two hurdles will be cleared before a single dime is spent. I can just see an outcome where Vegas builds a stadium and the Raiders stay in Oakland.

Back in Philadelphia, I was an Eagles season ticket holder for 5 years. Not having professional sports teams to root for is one of the things I miss most about living in Vegas. I could get behind the Raiders or any team that relocated here. :)

LV Bear

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Well-Known Member
It has been reported that the two most influential owners, Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys) and Robert Kraft (New England) support the move. And while the commissioner has not been a supporter of the move, publicly stating his preference is that The Raiders remain in Oakland, it was reported over the weekend, that he would not oppose the move if the owners approved.

It was further reported that Oakland has not even made any kind of offer, nor has any plans to at this time. LVBear, I think you should start preparing yourself that this move is likely to occur now.

LV Bear


KewlJ said:
LVBear, I think you should start preparing yourself that this move is likely to occur now.
Ugh! You're probably right. Should each of our roughly two million residents just hand over $375 now?
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LVBear584 said:
The best hope to not having this boondoggle in our community is that the NFL owners will not give the Raiders enough votes to approve the move. I hope that's what happens.
Boondoggle ... so you think this is another unsustainable monorail type project?

LV Bear


xengrifter said:
Boondoggle ... so you think this is another unsustainable monorail type project?
Definitely unsustainable without public money. It won't even be built without public money.


Well-Known Member
It would be a boon for Las Vegas, just as prizefights are. People would drive from California, plus LV has 1.5 million of its own. I can imagine a Superbowl in Las Vegas. It would be good for business, plus LV is a real sports town. Now they have Hockey, why not Football? It would be a traffic nightmare, but still a boon for business. Sports fans as a rule are gamblers, and gambling is the lifeblood of LV. I'm all for it. I hope I can get tickets at a reasonable price. The Raiders are the perfect team for Vegas, IMHO.

It looks like Russell Road south on the I-15 is where they are are considering a stadium.