Reno Backoff


Well-Known Member
:eek: Just back from a weekend in Reno thought I would issue an alert about the Seina casino BJ game. As Quinc mentioned in a earlier thread it is probably the best BJ game in Reno.But be careful I got backed off after 2 hours of play using a 2-1-5 spread playing red. Thought I was providing decent cover but guess not,will have to work on that. Anyway dealers were tight and the afternoon pit critter was sweating any action anywhere in the pit. Thought I would mention this if anyone gets up there. Was first time there so different shifts might be less tence.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Tell us more

Dear NC, Sorry about your experience in Reno at the Siena.I go there 3-4 times a year and so far haven't been burned. Tell me though, were you playing the 1 or 2D game there (or both?) did you do the whole 2hr. stretch or was it broken up, and how was the rest of the action Legacy, El Dorado, Harrrah's and Harolds Club(got you Zg!)Same heat there or no? BJ


Well-Known Member
Well BJ Bob here is the scoop. At the siena first I played a 1 hour session then came back and played the 2 hour session. I was playing only the single deck game both times. First session there were 3 to 4 players at the table. Second session a couple hours later I was playing straight up or with 1 other player at the table. That might have been the problem ,the place was to slow, no cover from other players. As far as the rest of the action I dont even bother with Legacy, eldorado, or fitzgeralds. Harrahs 6d is ok (for 6d). All there single deck is 6-5 so thats out.CircusCircus is ok dont seem to sweat things to much at the red or green range though you do have to shop around for good pen. Noticed a difference in Pen between the oldtime white dealers and the younger ethic dealers.Still like the Sands dd d9 but did notice that the pit critters were alittle more nervious than 4 months ago when I was last there. Like the Peppermill alot dont seem to sweat any action the I observed. Problem is it is so crowded that you are playing at full tables way to much. Would be best if you could play there say 3am to 5:30am to avoid the crowds.Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Haven't played Siena, but I do know several Casinos that offer the same rules:
In Sparks: Silver Club, Rail City, Alamo(this casino is small but also offers L.S.)
You can play heads up at most of these during midweek/morning
In Reno: Peppermill, Atlantis (although bad pene. and crowded)
Boomtown(they have quite a few tables with decent Pene).
Boomtown is west of Reno on I-80.

All the Casino's above offer games with -.170 adv. on their SD playing perfect B.S. just as the SD at Siena does.

Haven't received any heat at any Casinos listed above using identical spread to yours, but using Hi-Opt II.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
One Final thing

NC, Did the boys back you off at the table because you were winning too much (God help us!) or did they get you at the cage?


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
NC, Did the boys back you off at the table because you were winning too much (God help us!) or did they get you at the cage?
Well BJbob I was playing heads up and chatting with the dealer when I get the dreaded " Tap On The Shoulder" " Thank you sir but you are no longer able to play BJ here" Feel welcome to play any game but blackjack. So it was right at the table. When I left I was up 5 units playing red.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jetace

Thanks for the tips,I have played boomtown and the silver club but not the other places. Will try to talk the wife into going outside downtown one visit and see if I can check those places out:)

bj bob

Well-Known Member
They otta film a sequal!

Up five whole units at blackjack. You know that's more than $20! (In fact I just spent over an hour running those hugh numbers on my high speed computer and came up with exactly $25 in winnings! Can I have your autograph before they take you out into the desert with your own shovel? Hopefully some Hollywood director will pick up the story and spare you that fate... Maybe title it "Breaking Reno" or something else catchy like that. You should be ashamed of ripping off the mob's poor, hard working extortion,racketeering,and drug dealing capital. No wonder you've become a persona non grata!


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
Up five whole units at blackjack. You know that's more than $20! (In fact I just spent over an hour running those hugh numbers on my high speed computer and came up with exactly $25 in winnings! Can I have your autograph before they take you out into the desert with your own shovel? Hopefully some Hollywood director will pick up the story and spare you that fate... Maybe title it "Breaking Reno" or something else catchy like that. You should be ashamed of ripping off the mob's poor, hard working extortion,racketeering,and drug dealing capital. No wonder you've become a persona non grata!
Pretty much how I felt about it.


Well-Known Member
nc-tom said:
Well BJbob I was playing heads up and chatting with the dealer when I get the dreaded " Tap On The Shoulder" " Thank you sir but you are no longer able to play BJ here" Feel welcome to play any game but blackjack. So it was right at the table. When I left I was up 5 units playing red.

You've gotta' be kidding! I have never heard of any pit sweating five units of red!


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
You've gotta' be kidding! I have never heard of any pit sweating five units of red!
I kid you not tribute, it went down exactly as I stated. Have to say that the one pit critter was especially uptight. Why ,dont know. Just be aware if you go there.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
I figured it out!

You forgot to tell me that you look just like Tommy Hylan. You got zapped by Griffin! P.S. check your PM. BJ


Well-Known Member
that sucks man! when i was i there i was up over 100$ woooo i know.. but i was making double downs on other peoples bets and winning i was splitting 10's and winning and no one said a word to me. i went from the lowest scum on earth to a ledend splitting tens there... my cover up though is i'm really loud obnoxious and talk to everyone.. like a drunk. i also practice counting while watching tv and drinking, helps me to concentrate on 2 things at once.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
I agree

With Quinc. It hasn't been that hard for me there. I think that your monkey suit (from your IM) might have started the "red flag" that., and the fact that the critters were bored. I'm thinking of a trip there soon. You guys want a little revenge? send me IM.