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Do you report your winnings to the IRS? Please share your thoughts as I am unsure whether or not this is necessary.
I was curious as to whether or not this was a net thing. Like say you win $10,000 one weekend, but then lose $9,000 the next, would you be required to pay taxes on the $10,000 win or just the $1,000 net win?Cherry7Up said:Note that while I voted "absolutely," it is somewhat hypothetical as I have yet to have a net gain that would be taxable.
Also, for those not reporting gains, do you play with a player's card? Does your player's card account record indicate a gain and you still choose not to report it?
No one is really even sure. I've talked to several CPA's about it, and read several opinions from tax attorneys, and they're contradictory. Some say to report all session wins, some say only to report net, some say to report gross and write off losses.itakeyourmoney said:I was curious as to whether or not this was a net thing. Like say you win $10,000 one weekend, but then lose $9,000 the next, would you be required to pay taxes on the $10,000 win or just the $1,000 net win?
I'm not sure the IRS is as good at its job as you think, but I agree with the sentiment.Adm. Buckles matter what the odds you will always lose.:grin:
I agree.. I included that (about the CTR) in case someone might need to know it... if you know what I mean. :eyepatch:21forme said:You subtract losses from wins for the calendar year and if you have a net win you report it. If you have a net loss you can't report it (or gambling related expenses) unless you declare your occupation as a professional gambler and make a singificant portion of your income from it.
Just the fact that some CTRs have been generated at the casino means nothing in terms of gambling income not being reported. The IRS sees the CTRs and the location where they occurred and knows that gambling is a negative expectation "hobby," so a gambling gain happens less often than a loss.
Read this, and then re-read it.shadroch said:At years end, you total up your winnings and then you total up your losses. You subtract the losses from the winnings and the remainder is taxable. You must itemize in order to deduct any losses, and you fill out a schedule form to deduct gambling losses.
I know somebody that had this happen... I think he's still going round and round with the IRS. :flame:callipygian said:(5) Tax structure sucks for gambling because you can't roll over losses. So if you make a 3-day trip to Vegas over the New Year holiday, win big on December 31, and lose big on January 1, you pay taxes on what you won on December 31 even if the trip were even. However, don't use "I hate our tax structure" as an excuse to commit tax fraud - voice your concerns in November during voting season, not April during tax season.
I predict he's going to lose. It's a non-ideal system but it's unambiguous in terms of clarity. There's not much leverage your friend has except to beg, "Please?"daddybo said:I know somebody that had this happen... I think he's still going round and round with the IRS. :flame:
He won a big jackpot on a slot machine. it was late on Dec 31st. his argument was although he actually won the money on the 31st .. he didn't collect it until the 1st of January. Which is a legitimate argument in cash accounting. Apparently the paperwork reflected the actual winning time and not the collection time...callipygian said:I predict he's going to lose. It's a non-ideal system but it's unambiguous in terms of clarity. There's not much leverage your friend has except to beg, "Please?"
Let's get this straight - we have a guy who calls himself: "Automatic Monkey" and has as his avatar a picture of a chimp toting what looks like a sawn-off shotgun... and he's claiming to be up to date with the IRS? :cat:Automatic Monkey said:Let's get this straight- we have a guy who calls himself "itakeyourmoney" and has as his avatar a picture of a Communist... and he's asking us if we are complying with the IRS?
And we are answering.
Yes, sir, every penny! In fact I bring my tax accountant with me to the casino and he verifies my records for every session. Comps too.
It's in quotes because I figured the exact amount would differ from person to person.Adm. Buckles said:How much money is "really high?"
1. My name is supposed to be in reference to my taking the casino's money (at this point it's still more of an ambition than a reality lol)Automatic Monkey said:Let's get this straight- we have a guy who calls himself "itakeyourmoney" and has as his avatar a picture of a Communist... and he's asking us if we are complying with the IRS?
And we are answering.
Yes, sir, every penny! In fact I bring my tax accountant with me to the casino and he verifies my records for every session. Comps too.
Well, it's not totally clear. I've heard some people say this, but others said you should list all wins as income and then write off losses. For example, if you hit a $15k jackpot, but were a net loser for the year and didn't report, the IRS could very well come calling.shadroch said:I'm not sure what sort of CPAs you ran this past. It seems fairly clear to me. At years end, you total up your winnings and then you total up your losses. You subtract the losses from the winnings and the remainder is taxable. You must itemize in order to deduct any losses, and you fill out a schedule form to deduct gambling losses.
It's a good idea to keep a gambling diary, and be sure to get W/L statements from your casinos- esp. if you get 1099s from them.
For 99.9 % of us, we can't deduct expenses-airlines, cars, rooms or meals.
That's only because you would receive a W-2G for your $15,000 jackpot and you legally can't fail to report that.moo321 said:Well, it's not totally clear. I've heard some people say this, but others said you should list all wins as income and then write off losses. For example, if you hit a $15k jackpot, but were a net loser for the year and didn't report, the IRS could very well come calling.