creeping panther
If you are non-Native,,,there is no law:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Or even if you are.creeping panther said:If you are non-Native,,,there is no law[CP
so then in theory if your buddie walks into foxwoods and beats the hell out of who hit him and he manages to get away off the resavation what would happen ? can a resavation make a claim to the state ?FLASH1296 said:There is No enforceable American Law on "sovereign" land any more than there is on any other "sovereign" land e.g. Mexico or Canada.
Once you are physically on a reservation you are subject to their laws alone.
On New York's Saint Regis Reservation, home to a playable game at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino — [spanning the Canadian / U.S. border]
— smuggling illegal aliens and drugs across the border is absurdly easy as there are NO Customs Agents to deal with.
In the mid 1980's there were long-standing "illegal" casino dealing BJ on "the rez;". The State Police were ill advised to put an end to that.
They were met with roadblocks and hails of gunfire. The State Police were ordered by the Attorney General that they had absolutely NO right to so much as be there without invitation.
There have been incidents of Native American casinos being caught "red-handed" cheating (mostly in California) and no action could be taken.
A card-counting acquaintance of mine was hospitalized in intensive care
after suffering massive injuries from a beating he received at Foxwoods.
He had no recourse. Ironically, his brother is a member of the Connecticut bar.
The Florida State Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Governor lacked the right to ink a pact with the Seminole Indians.
Care to tell that to the Seminoles ?
EDITED — to delete a poorly expressed statement the paying of taxes.
the state inspects the casinosFLASH1296 said:"I'm fairly sure the IRS does not break down audits by racial or ethnic groupings.
How would the IRS and/or its computer know a filer was a Native American when it pulls the return for auditing?"
Re: I.R.S.
Ethnicity is included on our census forms.
The zip codes of post offices serving reservations is public knowledge.
Nothing prevents a tax-payer OR a tax-evader from letting the I.R.S. know that they consider themselves exempt from income tax statutes.
As the vast majority of Native Americans have modest incomes, OR are below the poverty line, the unofficial position (within the I.R.S.) is that they have "bigger fish to fry."
"Facts on the Ground":
In much of the U S A marijuana laws are infrequently or at least unevenly enforced. In N.Y.S. possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is a $50 "violation" on the rare instances that someone is ticketed. Yes, ticketed. They cannot be arrested for possession of small amounts, as a violation is neither a misdemeanor nor a felony; just like jaywalking or littering. There is not even a permanent record kept.
Just curious. Could you elaborate on how on how they are cheating.By FLASH
There have been incidents of Native American casinos being caught "red-handed" cheating (mostly in California) and no action could be taken.
Unless there is a side agreement the health laws and fire laws do not apply to the Res. Casinos.FLASH1296 said:beating_vegas …
What do you mean ?
Health Inspectors inspect the kitchens and the Fire Marshall inspects …
What are you trying to say?
"the state inspects the casinos"
Steve,steve waugh said:Not to mention questionable ways of dealing pitch games. Whether they were cheating in that instance, I would never know but it pays to be "extra careful" at all the Native Indian Casinos.
When a lot of negative variance is concentrated in Native Indian casinos, it could be
a) Just Negative Variance
b) There is more to it than meets the eye
Casinos in California have some really strange dealers(how about dealing with arms outstretched as they deal with no bend in their elbow)-You can call it "plain quirky" but if you consistently lose 75% of the Double Downs on max bets, you have to ask the question.
Additionally, there have been dealer changes specifially at tables where the big better was playing within minutes after moving to the table.