Retracting Bet On Reshuffle


Well-Known Member
Someone brought up an interesting point in another thread; suppose you place a bet and a decision is made to reshuffle the deck. Are you allowed to retract your bet?

If the answer is "yes," is there some kind of gaming commission/universal rule that I can hang my hat on if I ever encounter this kind of situation?



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure you can retract your bet with no worries.

You will also totally look like you're counting cards, which I can vouch out of personal experience.
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Well-Known Member
If you do it multiple times, you'll look suspicious, but you can cover it up once or twice.

(1) Just before the cards are ready for play (e.g. someone is cutting the cards) pull your bet back and ask where the restroom is. Stand up from the table and pretend you can't see it. Return to the table and claim you'll go after this shoe.

(2) Count your chips and pull your bet back to include them. Even off your stacks (the stacks need not be round numbers, e.g. 23 chips = 2 stacks of 11) and then toss the "odd" chip or two back into the betting circle.

(3) Cash out as soon as the shuffle begins. Stand up but pretend you've changed your mind (especially if you have "odd" chips left after coloring up). Sit back down and start playing again.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen+

in only about a year of mostly weekend play and two trips to LV, it seems kosher to adjust your bet up until the time the dealer deals. If you're fooling around with it and holding them up, then it will cause annoyance and attention. But it seems pretty common in my experience for players to change their bet at the start of a new shoe/deck. I always wait until a round is completed before putting out my next bet.


Well-Known Member
my rule is i change my bet to what ever i want till the first card of the round is dealt! dealers have let me do this but then waited for like 10 secs more just to make sure i made my mind up, lol all over a $5 chip on top of a couple quarters just so i have have even stacks to play/shuffle with :grin:


Well-Known Member
Yea you can . I posted that cuz he shoulda picked up his $$$ and walked away lol when they went to reshuffle.

This is why I always wait for the last possible second to place my bets . And I always look at how the dealer treats the cards before a shuffle.