Congrats to you Mr Frog. :celebrate I have only had 4 royals in my life so far and they all have been holding 3 cards or less. I have never held four cards and drawn a royal. I thought I had actually done so earlier this week while playing some free play. I held 10, J, Q, K spades and drew a 9 of spades. For a second I thought I had hit my second royal in less than a hundred hands but it was only my eyes momentarily deceiving me. It was still a nice payoff for free play.
What I have notice though is several times when I have held 4 cards, I drew the same damn card as I discarded. Like a 4 of clubs. Discard a 4 of clubs, draw a new 4 of clubs. What the F**k is that.

I guess the odds of this are the same as drawing the card you actually need.
Anyway, you apparently know how to do it right. Congrats.
BTW, if you could do no wrong, why aren't you still playing?