Royal Match side bet!


Well-Known Member
Usually I'm not a big fan of the Royal Match sidebet I just saw a royal match sidebet that pays 3 to 1 for having the same suit. Pays 10-1 for a royal match with K-Q suited and pays 100-1 if the dealer also has a royal match at the same time as the player. The 100 to 1 payoff if both the dealer and the player have the royal match seems very attractive to me most places will just offer the the top 2. Can you have an edge on this bet if you watch the cards for the first round and no kings or queens come out? When 10 cards where used?


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
Usually I'm not a big fan of the Royal Match sidebet I just saw a royal match sidebet that pays 3 to 1 for having the same suit. Pays 10-1 for a royal match with K-Q suited and pays 100-1 if the dealer also has a royal match at the same time as the player. The 100 to 1 payoff if both the dealer and the player have the royal match seems very attractive to me most places will just offer the the top 2. Can you have an edge on this bet if you watch the cards for the first round and no kings or queens come out? When 10 cards where used?
How many decks?


Well-Known Member
The key to this is more likely in tracking the chance of a matching suit, perhaps with a red/black +/- system. I was looking at something similar for the 3 card poker sidebet where your strongest chances is for a flush but you also get paid for a straight or 3 of a kind, the latter two being impossible to predict. I ended up thinking that the sidebet would be less profitable than regular card counting. Now if you had a partner at the table counting the sidebet while you counted regular, then you might be on to something. I have yet to find a reliable playing partner with a fraction of my skill or desire to do this.


Well-Known Member
Side Bet

I know this sidebet is not profitable of the top. The game is with 1 deck. But it will only cost me 3 cents to make a $1 bet so it might be good cover.