Running HOT


Well-Known Member
For my run during the past 8 days, I am +4.4 standard deviations above my average win rate :grin::grin::grin:

Feels good to run good. Idk, just wanted to share lol :p

SleightOfHand said:
For my run during the past 8 days, I am +4.4 standard deviations above my average win rate :grin::grin::grin:

Feels good to run good. Idk, just wanted to share lol :p
Can I expect to see you playing on TV???:grin:;)



Well-Known Member
SleightOfHand said:
For my run during the past 8 days, I am +4.4 standard deviations above my average win rate :grin::grin::grin:

Feels good to run good. Idk, just wanted to share lol :p
Keep up the great work!

Good cards!



Well-Known Member
I’ve heard it said that at 4 SDs BELOW expectation you can justifiably start to wonder if you’re being cheated.

4 SDs ABOVE expectation: Are YOU cheating?

:grin: Just kidding! Congratulations, and WOW!


Well-Known Member
magic won's heater

go Magic Won, go!
just got back from a three and a half dayer.
two high standard deviations to the good. :p
errhh but my standard deviations are calculated from data, so not sure how accurate they are, but ev is known.:rolleyes:
edit: meh, after thinking about this really only had circa $260 above ev for the plays related to the calculator, the rest of the earnings was from plays unrelated to the calculator.
but it's all good, lol.......

