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Well-Known Member
I always point out any dealer error I see.

I was gambling in the Four Season's "The Plaza" casino in Macau (same rules as The Venetian, but with comped drinks! Yay!), and we had the nicest dealer. She spoke excellent english too, but I managed to catch out two mistakes: first, she dealt me cards without me betting (a mistake which doesn't really benefit anyone but I felt sorry for her, I hope our pointing it out didn't get her into trouble... after I pointed it out, security was watching us all night).

Second, she took a double-down against a dealer Blackjack and the hole-card rule is OBO, NOT ENHC. I pointed it out and got my chips back.

I just hope we didn't get the dealer in trouble given she was excellent, friendly and had great english. But yeah, I always point out errors (that are anti-player) where I can. If the error screws the house, well, I just politely ignore it.


Well-Known Member
I personally would rather seem oblivious than point out somebody else's error because we all no there is a 0% chance you're getting any tip. The only error I've gotten more than once is paying me after a dealer bust when I've already busted and put my bet out early :grin:.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
If you have troubles doing a 3:2 payout calculation in your head, that should be a big warning sign at least to me that you shouldn't be attempting to count cards then and might need a break.
How many people do you know who could calculate a 3:2 payout for $85 in their head? Or worse yet, when you get colored up and your $85 blackjack turns into two black, three red, two white, and a half dollar, how fast can you tell whether you got the right payout?

We're not talking about a 3:2 payout for a $20 bet here; it's odd numbers and infrequent values that people have the most trouble with.


Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
How many people do you know who could calculate a 3:2 payout for $85 in their head? Or worse yet, when you get colored up and your $85 blackjack turns into two black, three red, two white, and a half dollar, how fast can you tell whether you got the right payout?

We're not talking about a 3:2 payout for a $20 bet here; it's odd numbers and infrequent values that people have the most trouble with.
The question should be: How many people do you know that can divide by two and do addition? A lot. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
If you have troubles doing a 3:2 payout calculation in your head, that should be a big warning sign at least to me that you shouldn't be attempting to count cards then and might need a break.
bah what do you know!

the 3:2 payout on odd amounts like $85 where the dealer sometimes colors up a few chips is an ODD occurrence, and if there is a multiunit bet out, then the count is in infrequent territory as well..... a 3:2 payout on $50 takes no thought. none. what about 135.50? what's the payout on that? this is my whole point why i use even units. to prevent payout errors. I caught a dealer MISPAYING one of my BJs because it was an ODD amount. it was HER job to pay it right and she didn't. rather than avoid any additional thinking or sidetracks and arguments about payouts, even units works best for me.

ONE payout error in favor of the house in ONE hour will erase a Cardcounter's edge! think about that.
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Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
ONE payout error in favor of the house in ONE hour will erase a Cardcounter's edge! think about that.
But the reverse is also true. Using some canned odd betting amounts where you memorize the correct payouts for surrender and BJ could be non-trivially profitable. Just speak up when the error is in the houses favor and shut up when it isn't. If you only do this for a couple of odd amounts, detecting this error shouldn't detract from your counting at all.