SBA Sims


New Member
I am trying to compare the Hi-Opt II Count against the KO Count for English rules (ENHC, 6D, S17, DAS, D9+10+11, 75% Pen) on my SBA 5.5 program.
I am getting extreme results in the difference, which I was not expecting. Using a 1-40 Spread, (I know!!!, no comments plz!)and 16 Indices, leave at -1% advantage, I get -

Hi-Opt II

IB = 1.30%
RoR = 2.70%
Score = 50.07


IB = 1.08%
RoR = 10.61%
Score = 25.20

This is basing the spread on the counts advantage, e.g. max bet at about 2.0% at a frequency of 1%. I can't help, but feel I am doing something wrong here. Surely the Hi-Opt II can't be TWICE as good. I expected results to differ from BJA due to British rules, but this can't be right, can it? How can I get the RoR to come down to an acceptable level(5%) for the KO?
If one of you has SBA could you try a few sims to verify.

thxs, I appreciate any input


(email address, if one wants more info is

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Don't be shocked. Well, I was too when I ran my own Hi Opt II sims. KO is to Hi Low what Zen is to Hi Opt II. A simplified version, which is like making steps to climb up to your own maximum potential as a pro level counter.

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
A suggestion.

I am not really familar with SBA or with KO, but here are my two cents. (probably overpriced).

KO has a tendency to overbet your advantage, sometimes when KO says put the big bet out, you don't really have as much of an advantage as the count says you do. With 40:1 spread, you are probably REALLY overbetting, and you are seeing the results in your ROR.

Count Luckula

Active Member
What is the best SW for practice counting and play deviations? Also, is SBA the best analyzer? What are the cost of these items and where are they found?

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
I can't really tell you which program is the best since I only have SBA, but really have no need for anything other than SBA. You can take a look around at the commercial sites and see what they are selling. Everyone has "the best program." For practice you can use Hoyle BJ. That is what I used for a while when not playing a real game. Then I discovered playing onLine and got $$ for practicing basic strategy and playing indices. That basically destroyed any desire for me to play against 8 decks of cards and a 3 hour return drive to a casino. You'll get me out from behind my computer with a single pass shuffle or a night out with the boys for hours of backcounting, tracking, and playing ploppies hands once in a blue moon.