See the dealer's holecard!


Well-Known Member
Quinc said:
well he hasn't posted anything on this so..

A. it was to much and fried his brain?

B. he took a job with the cia?

C. it works and he is now the biggest playboy in vegas?
Me and supercoolmancool are going over the program starting this Saturday. We have already listened to the first tape and it's not looking good... but there is a money back guarantee so it's all good. If it works, option "C" is looking pretty good. :cool:


Well-Known Member
well i hope it works out for you guys! also make sure and give us an idea of what and how it is teaching you.


ScottH said:
"Seriously though my beliefs, which I occasionally use as cover, it never impairs the accuracy of my counting or bet sizing. I do, however, embrace a Buddhist-like paradigm of ‘universal mind’ by
recognizing that all manifestation is consciousness. I prefer to call it ‘higher consciousness’ or ‘quantum reality’ and my leanings toward a more Eastern philosophical awareness stem from over 300 LSD trips, and from studies I’ve undertaken for over 30 years including Zen, Taoism and the teachings of the Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Alan Watts, J. Krishnamurti and Sri Poonjaji,
among others."

You never mentioned if you ever tried to learn RV. It sounds like you would like it. I only listened to the first tape of the RV system I have and it mentions the "universal mind" constantly. As you said in the quote, "all manifestation is consciousness". That is the vibe I am getting from RV, that since everything is consciousness we can "view" anything we want by asking the universal mind to show it to us.

This paradigm is way different than what I currently have, but I will try have an open mind and see what comes of it.
Everything is a 'single-unified-field' of pure consciousness - and YOU ARE THAT, which is the essence of all true religion, including Christian mysticism, Jewish Kabbalah, Sufism, and of course Buddism and Hinduism.

So when you "ask" universal mind what you are really doing is trandscending the illusion of your independent seperate EGOidentity and tapping the vastness of your trueSelf.



Well-Known Member
So far Scott and I have listened to 2 out of 20 tapes. Nothing significant to report yet. Just letting you know we are still doing this.


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
What is "Christian mysticism"? Didn't know they could ever be put together!
Maybe the Christians are finally admitting it!

"You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards,
witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes,
food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all
sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that
we are the ones that need help?"
--- Mark Twain


New Member
This is what happens when you grow up watching the x files, but seriously I heard these remot viewing 'mediums' were used during the first gulf war


Well-Known Member
poker101 said:
This is what happens when you grow up watching the x files, but seriously I heard these remot viewing 'mediums' were used during the first gulf war
And why aren't they used anymore? I wonder... :laugh:


tribute said:
What is "Christian mysticism"? Didn't know they could ever be put together!
What is Christian mysticism?
To many modern Christians, words like "meditation," "mystic," and "mysticism" bring to mind Eastern religions, not Christianity. Certainly Eastern religions are known for their mysticism; however, mysticism is not only a vital part of the Christian heritage as well, but it is actually the core of Christian spirituality. Mysticism simply means the spirituality of the direct experience of God. It is the adventure of "the wild things of God."
...continued -
Meister Eckhart - passing beyond God.

"God is infinite in his simplicity and simple in his infinity. Therefore he is everywhere and is everywhere complete. God is in the innermost part of each and every thing.

"God is pure oneness, being free of any accretive multiplicity of distinction even at a conceptual level."

"There is neither distinction in God nor in the Persons of the Trinity according to the unity of their nature. The divine nature is one, and each Person is both One and the same One as God's nature."

In 1326 Eckhart was formally charged with heresy by the archbishop of Cologne, Heinrich von Virneburg - who also prosecuted the Brethren of the Free Spirit in Cologne around this same time. The charge appears to have been considered proven. In 1329, shortly after Eckhart's death, Pope John XXII published a bull condemning 28 propositions from Eckhart's works. Eckhart is said to have retracted the errors. He claimed that he may have erred, but he was not a heretic. Probably his eminence protected him, for others who put forward similar views were indeed burned along with their works.
...continued - (Dead link:


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Who says they are not? zg
I sure hope they aren't. I certainly don't want remote viewers influecing the decisions of the government.

Zen, I assume you believe in remote viewing from reading your interview and posts. I also remember reading in your interview that you don't let it influence the way you play blackjack, or something close to that. Why not? The reason is because there is no proof that anyone can remote view successfully. And even if you believe in RV, you still have to know that it can't be relied on for much of anything.

I always offer a challenge to people who believe they can remote view. Usually something like guessing a number between 1 and 10, only on an even money bet. If remote viewing was real, they would have a 100 percent chance of winning, but noone accepts my challenge.

I like to see proof before I believe something, and I have never seen anything even close to convincing with remote viewing.


ScottH said:
I assume you believe in remote viewing from reading your interview and posts. I also remember reading in your interview that you don't let it influence the way you play blackjack, or something close to that. Why not?
Only because I cant do it! I placed the original RV post as a joke... BUT I do beleive that RV is a reality. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Only because I cant do it! I placed the original RV post as a joke... BUT I do beleive that RV is a reality. zg
Ok, so tell me WHY do you believe it's a reality? Is your belief based on facts or faith?


ScottH said:
Ok, so tell me WHY do you believe it's a reality? Is your belief based on facts or faith?
Its based upon my review of facts that I beleive true, so both. Google it and see what you think. I spent a few years in Scientology - its a common ability there. zg

Here's an example -
Remote viewing -- The experiment that was too successful
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Its based upon my review of facts that I beleive true, so both. Google it and see what you think. I spent a few years in Scientology - its a common ability there. zg
Supercoolmancool has already bought a RV course. I listened to 2 of the tapes and am not convinced that it is possible.

A person who could really RV would be way too powerful. And also, anyone who could RV would be able to become as wealthy as they wanted, but I don't know of anyone who has become rich from RV.

I just want to find someone that claims they can RV to accept my challenge. Everyone who I challenge says they dont have to "prove" their abilities to me. They dont want to waste the time it takes to RV to prove it to me. So I offer them a couple hundred dollar bet to make it worth their while, and that ends the conversation. The fact that NOONE will take this bet, really tells me something about RV. So many people are so confident they can RV, but they won't ever make a bet.

So ZG, if you could, please talk to your Scientology buddies that can RV. See if you can get one to accept my challenge. My money says that they wont...


ScottH said:
Supercoolmancool has already bought a RV course. I listened to 2 of the tapes and am not convinced that it is possible.

A person who could really RV would be way too powerful. And also, anyone who could RV would be able to become as wealthy as they wanted, but I don't know of anyone who has become rich from RV.

I just want to find someone that claims they can RV to accept my challenge. Everyone who I challenge says they dont have to "prove" their abilities to me. They dont want to waste the time it takes to RV to prove it to me. So I offer them a couple hundred dollar bet to make it worth their while, and that ends the conversation. The fact that NOONE will take this bet, really tells me something about RV. So many people are so confident they can RV, but they won't ever make a bet.

So ZG, if you could, please talk to your Scientology buddies that can RV. See if you can get one to accept my challenge. My money says that they wont...
No. Your approach is not conducive to proof - you need to do your own research in earnest... and your not ready, apparently, for such an awakening. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
No. Your approach is not conducive to proof - you need to do your own research in earnest... and your not ready, apparently, for such an awakening. zg
Yeah, I know my method is not conducive to proof. BUT, if someone could predict a number between 1 and 10, say, 100 times in a row, I would be convinced.

I am willing to change my mind, but noone has been able to do that. It's my view verses their's, the only difference is I put my money where my mouth is...

So unless someone is willing to accept my challenge, I guess for me, this thread is closed.


ScottH said:
Yeah, I know my method is not conducive to proof. BUT, if someone could predict a number between 1 and 10, say, 100 times in a row, I would be convinced.
HA! Thats what I'm saying - "100 times in a row"!! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Its based upon my review of facts that I beleive true, so both. Google it and see what you think. I spent a few years in Scientology - its a common ability there. zg

Here's an example -
Remote viewing -- The experiment that was too successful
(Dead link:
I'm about to get off topic here but ZG are you a scientologist still? I don't know anything about it but with all the Tom Cruise attention its been getting lately I'm curious to what it is? Do you believe in their teachings or is it a cult and a scam. I have an acquaintance who joined and I know he paid some rediculous amount of money (almost $2000) to have something called an audit done where they hooked him up to a machine called an E-Meter. Than of course they told him he needed to buy some more expensive courses but he can't afford them yet!