This crap is nonsense. Besides the diaper crew of people that are not 21 or just turning it, and heard of the movie 21 or read jackass Mezrichs books before stepping foot into a casino for real, most of you "experts" played BJ without an advantage for a while before thinking you learned something. Yeah I agree that finding some new meat with no bad habits is a good way to start, but who the hell here fits that bill. Its funny how most of you forget that you all were once just gamblers. But since you read a few books and brushed up on your math, you can look down at those that haven't read the same stupid books as you. Guesss what, thats how I feel about most of you. I know most of you can't play this game worth a lick but can bloviate about it all day long like a pro. I can see who is real, who is trying but still sucks, and who really just want to be somebody by posting thousands of posts on a BJ message board. If you want my advice, don't recruit the kid. Not because he can't be a good AP, but because you aren't worthy of making the decision whether he is or not.