Shufflemasters and Digideals .....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kasi
How will you decide?

Boatman117 said:
I guess be getting a general feel for it ....

That is to say if I feel my game is good and/or improving, and I am able to count ... with the distractions and noise and keep track and vary my betting with the count and feel that it is making a difference ..... an intuitive sort of thing ....

Which I realize must be taken with a grain of salt, and dosen't tend to prove anything ... except in my own mind. Which can be my toughest sell sometimes .... :)

I guess what I am saying is it seems like a good place to put into play these things I have been learning and practicing ..... without involving a lot of traveling and such ... and who knows ?? I might even make a buck or two ....
Boatman i think he means decide on the quality of the game rather than your abilities. as in how will you evaluated if the game is worth playing or if it can be taken advantage of.


Active Member
Well I don't know really ...

I mean winning or losing in the short term dosen't prove anything ....

Although I think if I am counting right and adjusting my betting ...

and seeing the expected results from that .. or NOT ...
should give me some idea.
But again just a few trips wouldnt prove much of anything ... this I know.

I was kinda hoping to run into someone here who had played them regularly.

I do know just from the rules though that the Digideals are a better game than the Shufflemasters .... and the only one that could be countable.

Truthfully will probably mostly flatbet with BS and just see if I can do that while counting till I get the hang of it ...

Unless you have a better idea ....

I am teachable ...:)



Well-Known Member
Boatman117 said:
Well I don't know really ...

I mean winning or losing in the short term dosen't prove anything ....

Although I think if I am counting right and adjusting my betting ...

and seeing the expected results from that .. or NOT ...
should give me some idea.
But again just a few trips wouldnt prove much of anything ... this I know.
I don't know either lol.

If you just want to practice your counting and accuracy etc, you can do that for free to gain confidence in it.

Winning or losing in the "short-term" always means something. Sometimes maybe even something significant. If I lost 100 units in 100 hands flat-betting, I already know the game is crooked.

Like you say, first you have to know what to expect in order to decide if actual is close enough or not.

You play a few thousand hands in a few trips and your results are 4+ SD down from expected, maybe you might re-think everything becasue, while it can happen, it doesn't very often. Even 4+ SD ahead might mean you ain't following whatever it was you decided to do.

Now the question becomes, assuming 100% confidence in your counting abilities, that everything you believe to be true actually is (rules, pen, etc) how would you bet, with how much and could you know later if your results are not unreasonable? How would you play it?

Can you back-count this game, would you? Etc.

Holy Moly - are you really saying you can re-hit split aces and have LS in a S17 4/6 DAS DA2 game? Did I read that right?

Man I get nervous when things seem too good to be true. But that's what I thought when they told me buy $50, get $100, wager $150 and keep what's left. 14 hands and 3 minutes later later I had $135 profit and actually got paid lol.

In my belts-and-suspenders way, costing me nothing but time, I'd be all over this like a hobo on ham.


New Member
Be wary of the eBlackJack games at Hoosier Park. They are not real blackjack. Basically a dressed up slot machine.

With the Shufflemaster Royal Match video game, each player and the dealer plays out of their own 6 deck shoe. Shuffled after each hand.

The DigiDeal game with a large-breasted, cleavage displaying hostess works very similar.

The reason the racinos in Indiana do not have real table games is because the law doesnt allow any games where a skilled player has an advantage over an unskilled player. Both have an equal chance to win, regardless of the cards they hold. All wins and losses are based on random number generated chance. Also, one players action cannot affect another players outcome. Whether you take a hit or not will not change what card the next player gets....


davidpom said:
Electronic blackjack. Hmm. With no way to count because of every hand shuffle, there's no possible way to get an edge.
When did you change your mind, mate? I thought you made some blogs where you suggested that CSMs were beatable? Did you? zg


Active Member
murv500 said:
Be wary of the eBlackJack games at Hoosier Park. They are not real blackjack. Basically a dressed up slot machine.

With the Shufflemaster Royal Match video game, each player and the dealer plays out of their own 6 deck shoe. Shuffled after each hand.

The DigiDeal game with a large-breasted, cleavage displaying hostess works very similar.

The reason the racinos in Indiana do not have real table games is because the law doesnt allow any games where a skilled player has an advantage over an unskilled player. Both have an equal chance to win, regardless of the cards they hold. All wins and losses are based on random number generated chance. Also, one players action cannot affect another players outcome. Whether you take a hit or not will not change what card the next player gets....
Hi. Thanks for the info .
I agree with what you said ... especially the shufflemasters ... I didn't even need to play them ... just watched and read the rules ... to see what a loser they were ...
The digideals had better rules on resplitting and/or doubling ... I forget exactly now ... haven't been in a while ... just remember between the two the digideals were better rules ..
Also unless I am wrong the digideals show a representative shoe and also show when it is reshuffled and started over ... and it looked to me like this one shoe was used for all players ...
Just on the Digideal though ... not the shufflemasters..
Of course ... I could be wrong ... God knows I've been wrong before !!
Thanks again for your info ...


Well-Known Member
murv500 said:
Be wary of the eBlackJack games at Hoosier Park. They are not real blackjack. Basically a dressed up slot machine.

With the Shufflemaster Royal Match video game, each player and the dealer plays out of their own 6 deck shoe. Shuffled after each hand.

The DigiDeal game with a large-breasted, cleavage displaying hostess works very similar.

The reason the racinos in Indiana do not have real table games is because the law doesnt allow any games where a skilled player has an advantage over an unskilled player. Both have an equal chance to win, regardless of the cards they hold. All wins and losses are based on random number generated chance. Also, one players action cannot affect another players outcome. Whether you take a hit or not will not change what card the next player gets....
What are you basing that on? Thats not the impression I've gotten from these machines?