Boatman117 said:
Well I don't know really ...
I mean winning or losing in the short term dosen't prove anything ....
Although I think if I am counting right and adjusting my betting ...
and seeing the expected results from that .. or NOT ...
should give me some idea.
But again just a few trips wouldnt prove much of anything ... this I know.
I don't know either lol.
If you just want to practice your counting and accuracy etc, you can do that for free to gain confidence in it.
Winning or losing in the "short-term" always means something. Sometimes maybe even something significant. If I lost 100 units in 100 hands flat-betting, I already know the game is crooked.
Like you say, first you have to know what to expect in order to decide if actual is close enough or not.
You play a few thousand hands in a few trips and your results are 4+ SD down from expected, maybe you might re-think everything becasue, while it can happen, it doesn't very often. Even 4+ SD ahead might mean you ain't following whatever it was you decided to do.
Now the question becomes, assuming 100% confidence in your counting abilities, that everything you believe to be true actually is (rules, pen, etc) how would you bet, with how much and could you know later if your results are not unreasonable? How would you play it?
Can you back-count this game, would you? Etc.
Holy Moly - are you really saying you can re-hit split aces and have LS in a S17 4/6 DAS DA2 game? Did I read that right?
Man I get nervous when things seem too good to be true. But that's what I thought when they told me buy $50, get $100, wager $150 and keep what's left. 14 hands and 3 minutes later later I had $135 profit and actually got paid lol.
In my belts-and-suspenders way, costing me nothing but time, I'd be all over this like a hobo on ham.