Shuffling Machine Revelation


Been essentially away from casinos for quite some time, since giving up Nevada residence.

Recently, we have in retirement returned to the big gaming meccas now and then. Last week, in Laughlin, NV, I attempted to figure out a shuffling machine that was new to me. A large, black plastic affair, seeming to have a round center-section, and an opening on top through which it "handed" a single deck of cards to the dealer, after he had inserted the last previously-used deck into another opening.

Clearly, this device made it appear that one single-deck deal was going on. But does anyone here know more about it? There may have been more than 2 decks involved, within the machine, which incidentally was NOT a manual "shoe". And, even if only 2 decks were in use, their cards may have been INTERMIXED, even though only 52 cards were in play at any one time.

The implication is that single-deck odds would be seriously altered, as the deck in use COULD have more or less of the card values most important to strategy-play.

What is the "spin" on this?

Thanks! imp
Sounds like a fake SD or DD game. There are similar shoe games where a dealer takes decks from a shuffled 8D shoe and holds and deals them like a pitch game.


Well-Known Member
Just ask the dealer

There is nothing strange or wrong with asking the dealer or even the pit about how many decks are in the machine.


Well-Known Member
Which casino was this in? I'm not aware of any Laughlin casino playing games with their BJ. CSMs are common, and there is no deception involved with their use.


Well-Known Member
To me this sounds like the standard single deck shuffling machine. It shuffles one deck while the dealer uses the 2nd deck. When finished he pops in the old one and it spits out the new one.


Well-Known Member
Question about the color of the cards

What color were the backs of the cards that the dealer put in the machine? What color were the backs of the cards that the dealer took from the machine? If they were the same color, it is a fake single deck game. If they were different colors, the machine probably shuffles a deck at a time.


SecurityRisk said:
What color were the backs of the cards that the dealer put in the machine? What color were the backs of the cards that the dealer took from the machine? If they were the same color, it is a fake single deck game. If they were different colors, the machine probably shuffles a deck at a time.
A good question; I am afraid I cannot answer, for I did not really notice.

What you are saying, is that with a 2-deck shuffling machine, the cards of each deck should be identifiable from their back, in order to assure that no inter-mixing of cards from one deck to the other has occurred? imp


shadroch said:
Which casino was this in? I'm not aware of any Laughlin casino playing games with their BJ. CSMs are common, and there is no deception involved with their use.
The situation I referred to was at the Edgewater Hotel. I did note the presence of the same type of machine at others, but did not play those tables. imp


Well-Known Member
imp said:
What you are saying, is that with a 2-deck shuffling machine, the cards of each deck should be identifiable from their back, in order to assure that no inter-mixing of cards from one deck to the other has occurred? imp
Yes. If the machine shuffles one deck of cards, while a different deck is in play, the backs will be different colors. Same thing on shoe games where a machine is shuffling one shoe while a different one is in play.


Well-Known Member
also you with the colors you will find them different table to table, we had blue and red for BJ games, and teal and purple for poker games (tcp, fcp, fpg, etc...) but ive noticed in bigger casinos with hand shuffled SD the colors are different at tables next to each other (one might have red, the other migh thave blue) and alternate between them. this i think is to avoid people switching cards in and out at the tables next to them.



Well-Known Member
This is getting confusing. some people are talking about Automatic Shuffle Machines, others about Continuous Shuffle Machines.
The last time I was in the Edgewater, in May, they had single deck games and shoe games, neither of which used a CSM. Obviously, things may have changed.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
This is getting confusing. some people are talking about Automatic Shuffle Machines, others about Continuous Shuffle Machines.
The last time I was in the Edgewater, in May, they had single deck games and shoe games, neither of which used a CSM. Obviously, things may have changed.
I think I've seen CSMs in Laughlin, but never on a BJ game. The OP didn't say what game this was on did he?