Sick of the talk of 21 the movie


New Member
callipygian said:
Anyone who's played more than a few hours of blackjack has seen a dealer error; anyone who's caught it has recognized the value in selectively correcting the dealer.

It's really no sweat off my back what you consider idiotic or not. If you really think that card counting is "cheating" the casinos or somehow more dangerous than swiping a few ketchup packets, I doubt anyone else really cares what you think is idiotic either.

Never mind that, even for most veterans in the forum, they could probably earn more money by becoming a dealer and working for the casino instead of playing as a card counter. BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA! The casinos are tracking down your home address right now just for posting on a forum where people talk about winning $10/hr from a casino!

Let'em come. No matter what you think is a fact or not. They fact is yes dealers make mistakes and the players will alert them to that but if the mistake puts more money in their wallets then I can bet if they can cheat the casinos by counting cards they will not alert the dealer to their error.

I think you mean BOOYA BOOYA BOOYA LOL

Either way winning hundreds is way different than stealing catsup

I could careless what people think either and can careless about idiotic philosophy about taking more catsup than you need, to cheating the casinos out of hundreds,

But I understand because that kind of idiotic philosophy runs rapid in this forum BOOYA BOOYA BOOYA LOL

Just jerking with you dude.

I know that the money you win by counting is missed just as much as catsup is missed at a Restaurant LOL Which isn't missed that much


New Member
zengrifter said:
I'm always partial towards stealing a little KETCHUP. zg
Yes we all want to put one thing down and the laws are put up so if you steal over $1000 is Grand theft. But it all is stealing either way you look at it. If you steal millions from somebody rich or steal hundreds from somebody that is poor. Just away for the laws to protect the rich. They make it so if you steal less than $1000 you are charged with less. So if you steal hundreds from the poor you get less time then if you steal thousands from somebody who can afford being stole from.

The laws are here to protect the rich so yes the casinos will win in the long run cause the laws that protect the rich will get you more time if you just stole hundreds from somebody that is poor.

Just facts right?

That is it. It is called reversed Robin Hood. But it isn't. it is the same as Robin hood. The rich was protected and lived off the poor. It is that way now. So that is no different then what Robin hood fought for. He stole from the Rich and gave to the poor. The Government is the same Government back then that made it possible for the rich to live off the poor.

LOL yes Just jerking with you bud. But that is somehting to think about any way.


New Member
GentleManSteve said:
Let'em come. No matter what you think is a fact or not. They fact is yes dealers make mistakes and the players will alert them to that but if the mistake puts more money in their wallets then I can bet if they can cheat the casinos by counting cards they will not alert the dealer to their error.

I think you mean BOOYA BOOYA BOOYA LOL

Either way winning hundreds is way different than stealing catsup

I could careless what people think either and can careless about idiotic philosophy about taking more catsup than you need, to cheating the casinos out of hundreds,

But I understand because that kind of idiotic philosophy runs rapid in this forum BOOYA BOOYA BOOYA LOL

Just jerking with you dude.

I know that the money you win by counting is missed just as much as catsup is missed at a Restaurant LOL Which isn't missed that much
I'm.. pretty sure he means booga booga booga. Runs.. rampant you mean?

He was comparing the level of loyalty between dealers and the money their clients win, to the ketchup at a mcdonalds. Not the money taken from a business entity as a whole. Lets say someone at mcdonald's took a bunch of ketchup packets right in front of you. Would you care? No, you have no loyalty to that said entity of mcdonalds. You're just a customer.

What if you found another card counter taking hundreds from a casino? Would you care? I'd assume you dont work for a casino somewhere, therefore, you wouldn't care either, would you? The real question was who's side is the dealer on. The counter? Or the casino. The statement made was that the dealers are on the side of the counter usually. 90% of the time i believe was the number.


Well-Known Member
My local McDonalds has little paper cups which you fill up with ketchup from a dispenser. It gets a little messy if you try to pocket it!


No Ketchup packets at the tables

Now I know why they don't have any ketchup packets at the blackjack tables...because they KNOW we would be clipping them! No, seriously though--dealers do work more than one casino quite often; You can see the same dealer at more than one casino because they will work part-time or other shifts or something at another casino (at least in Atlantic City). The loyalty factor of the dealers? That's a mixed bag and hard to tell at times. They give mixed signals and perhaps the ones that both deal and sometimes also work as a pit supervisor have some sort of loyalty to the casino to go "above and beyond the call of duty" if someone is winning? Many dealers really just want to properly do their job, I would think...harrassing the customers or wanting the customers to lose means no tips. The thing is they split all their tips so if one dealer is a total ass that is not only rude and snotty but also whacks the customers for all it's worth they can revel in the fact that they get a share of the total take of the tips so if they personally don't bring in a single white chip they STILL make out!

I have never heard any idle chat about the 21 movie at the tables or in the casino. I tell you what though, as I mentioned elsewhere, the casinos should be SO happy about that movie as it will generate business for them and they will make a few more wheelbarrows full'o'fifty dollar bills! Why? Because the movie makes it look as if when there is a good count there is no such thing as losing a single hand, which we all know is just not the case. A percentage point or two is just that...merely a percentage point or two! The movie will generate a bunch of fools that will master a basic and rudimentary high-low count and stroll in there with a short bankroll and a lack of patience to be slaughtered and have a rude awakening to the real world!


blackchipjim said:
I have had dealers screw up paying winning hands wrong and adding thier own hands wrong that I could scream. They blah,blah blah 21 the movie blah, blah and then go on to take a winning hand and pay losing ones. I've told more than one dealer to concentrate on what the @#$$ they are doing
Your comment is funny because real APs LIKE dealer mistakes. zg


Oh and YOU!, Zen....

Zen, did you know that casinos in Arizona and Casino Arizona in particular made "anti-griftergambit" rules just for you, I guess!!hahaha. When I was there visiting I played at Casino Arizona (doing sort of okay made a pile but handed much of it back prior to flying back east) ..but they have a rule in which you have to double the min. to spread to 2 hands and 5 times or some stuff like that to spread to 3 hands! I can only guess they are avid fans of yours?

EVERYONE reads this site, including casino people because of it's very public format. Prior to my trip out west a fellow member identified themselves as a corporate harrahs employee and stated he could get my room comp if I throw him my name and player card no., etc....I politely declined but stated my concerns for anonymity, etc. (I talked of my trying to score a room for the vegas portion of the trip out west in a blog). My secure are our identities on this site? I paid for my room in vegas and generated my own "comp" while there! I guess I am paranoid.

On another mistakes...last week I had a dealer go to scoop my bet after he broke. It took me a sec as I was focused on the count, playing robotically almost...I said,"Hang on a sec here...uhm..". After this I was wondering if he did this just to see if I was paying attention--Would a dealer do such a thing? Honest mistake? I held up the game to clarify the hand.

Do the casinos in Vegas do anything whacky and crazy to thwart anyone that is winning like in the movie? I got evil looks and stared down while playing in Tropicana Vegas but that was the extent of it! In MGM an other places they didn't even bat an eyelash regardless of bet spread or anything for that matter.


New Member
Is card counting bad/illegal? Because based on the what I've read/heard in different forums about the "21" movie... card counting does not always result in success. So if you're doing some kind of a trick (like card-counting)... you're not cheating. Because card-counting will not guarantee you 100% of winnings/success. You might end-up empty pocket even you use this trick.


Well-Known Member
victor777 said:
Is card counting bad/illegal? Because based on the what I've read/heard in different forums about the "21" movie... card counting does not always result in success. So if you're doing some kind of a trick (like card-counting)... you're not cheating. Because card-counting will not guarantee you 100% of winnings/success. You might end-up empty pocket even you use this trick.
its not illegal. and you're right, you arent guarunteed success. most people fail at it.