Single deck count


Well-Known Member
Reno Dude said:
At Grand Sierra Resort ( use to be Hikton ) in Reno they have 100% penatration on sinle deck
What do they do if they run out of cards? I've only seen a SD dealt to the last card at a tournament in the Imperial Palace.


Well-Known Member
Less than 50% penetration isn't necessarily bad. Primary factor in evaluating a single deck game should be the spread they let you get away with. A 40% dealt single deck game with decent rules that lets you spread 1-8 would beat the **** out of a 60% dealt game where you can only spread 1-2.


Well-Known Member
Reno Dude said:
When playing a single deck game what point would the cards be in the players favor? ie: +3, +4
Why dont we take a look at a few different examples! And maybe with a little help from our friends we can make heads our tails of this.According to the strategy engine, and using a level 1 count as our example in a 2D game.

                     Game 1                                     Game 2
                S17,NDAS,DOA,NLS                          H17,D9,LS,NDAS

            [1:6]   1D +.02  +1   +2                [1:12]  1D    -.27 +2  +3

           [1:6]    2D -.33  +1   +2                [1:12]  2D    -.60 +2  +3
            1:4 min            t.c                   1:8 min             t.c

                               The spread depends on your br
As you can see from above, these are two completely different games. And if were not betting in accordance to our advantage, we will either be overbetting or underbetting. Once you determine what your advantage is,then you can determine what spreads you want to use in accordance to you BR. But as a general rule of thumb the bigger the house edge, the bigger your spreads have to be to compensate for this. In addition to this, the bigger the house edge, the bigger your t.c has to be before the odds switch in your favor. It's a double whammy:whip:
But the question is, is buy how much do we need raise our t.c and our spread to compensate for the added house edge. Thats a very good question! Anybody feel free to jump in.The question is vexed!

bj bob

Well-Known Member

I'm not sure what the last two columns in the right represent(+1+2 etc). Could you clarify?


Well-Known Member

bj bob said:
I'm not sure what the last two columns in the right represent(+1+2 etc). Could you clarify?
The numbers on the right represent an example of a t.c at which point we should raise our bets. Game two has a higher t.c because of the bigger house edge. Of course this is just a mere guide! Because several factors are contigent upon when exactly you should raise bet. i.e 1/2 kelly, full kelly, how powerful the system, rules in play, betting strategy, etc.

I myself have probably over 100 betting strategys if you wanted to get technical, coupled with different spreads. Including the infamous grifter gambit.
Of course how aggressive my spread and my strategy will depend soley on my bankroll. Naturally, the more you want to win the greater the risk! Counters with limited BR should use conservative spreads and stategys! While still maintaining a edge.

One of my favorite Shcemes is short changing! And letting splits and doubles ride. Esp, for multiple decks.
Alot of pros use this as an alternative for wonging.
But this will backfire on you if your not betting in accordance to your advantage.
As a general rule for a level 1 count i add a extra t.c for every -.24 change in advantage. Every -.12 change in a level 2.

An example: single deck 1/2 kelly .00 of the top. Min 25. t.c +1=50.00
t.c +2=100.00 or more.

example 2: singe deck 1/2 kelly -.24 of the top. Min 25. t.c +2=50.00 t.c+3=100.00 or more[depending on your spread]

example3: 6 deck 1/2 kelly -.48 of the top. 10.00 min. t.c +3 =20.00 t.c +4 +40.00 or more.

Short changing: 6 deck 1/2 kelly -.48 of the top. 10.00 min. t.c+3 =500.00 t.c +4=1000.00 or more, of course you better have at least 100x your max bet if you play at that level. It doesnt have to be that extreme of course.

Bottom line: the higher the house edge, the more conservative you have to be when raising your bets, while at the same time being more agressive with your spreads.

Whirling cards and dancing chips!


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Of course how aggressive my spread and my strategy will depend soley on my bankroll. Naturally, the more you want to win the greater the risk! Counters with limited BR should use conservative spreads and stategys! While still maintaining a edge.
Generally I can't agree with that. If you have a smaller bankroll, reduce your unit size not your spread or 'aggressiveness.'


QFIT said:
Generally I can't agree with that. If you have a smaller bankroll, reduce your unit size not your spread or 'aggressiveness.'
Yes, in fact I've seen short-stacked counters destroy their fragile edge by using too small of a spread. Ideally you would INCREASE your spread by lowering your minimum. zg