single deck horror story


I was at the Soaring Eagle in Michigan

Single deck, count was +7.

I play two hands at $250 each. I get 20 and 20 respectively with a 5 showing. I decide not to split the 10s and stand. Dealer shows a 10 underneath and runs out of cards. The pit boss allows me to continue playing. Dealer reshuffles and asks the gentleman to my left cuts. Burns the first cards and then turns up a 5.

Game over man game over :(

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
You know the house advantage on that single deck game is ridiculous, right? Even with that kinda pen, tough to beat 6:5


Yeah i know. Especially when you cant take even money. But, I had never seen a single deck offered for $5 min.

Granted i probably shouldn't have been fluctuating between $5 and $250. Stupid move I know, but i didn't attract any attention. I generally stick to DD.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
MentorZQ said:
Yeah i know. Especially when you cant take even money. But, I had never seen a single deck offered for $5 min.

Granted i probably shouldn't have been fluctuating between $5 and $250. Stupid move I know, but i didn't attract any attention. I generally stick to DD.
I take it back, with that kind of spread I think it's safe to say you had an advantage with the deep pen. But then, how long would they let you play?


I sat there and played straight through for four hours. The pit boss didn't even look at me once. I started going between $5 and $30 to test the waters for my first 30 minutes. Went up to $100 after that, and soon to $250. The casino wasn't crowded at all and i was the only one at the table for over half of my session. I took them for a little over $2,000.

I would have stayed longer, but I had somewhere to be.


Well-Known Member
I've had worse.

Two $1000 hands at Encore's deeply dealt HL pitch, +30 TC(Hi Opt-II). Got a 14 and a 15 vs. dealer's 10, had to know how it ends.

I still wouldn't even call my situation a horror story and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. **** happens. You learn not to care. I've won more max bets than I've lost in the long run, and that's all that matters.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
fwb said:
I've had worse.

Two $1000 hands at Encore's deeply dealt HL pitch, +30 TC(Hi Opt-II). Got a 14 and a 15 vs. dealer's 10, had to know how it ends.

I still wouldn't even call my situation a horror story and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. **** happens. You learn not to care. I've won more max bets than I've lost in the long run, and that's all that matters.
I wish all BJ offered LS :(