One of the MMM-FART ADMIN replied to my HALCYON TWO FATAL FLAWS post thusly -
"Show Room of Funny People"... at the WBPITTW, I might add! z:laugh:g
Re: Leeroy: Two Fatal Flaws to MMM?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 04:54:28 AM »
From now don't publish to much info on other forums.
All is to publish should be shortly.
Will be the day when we will must erase all this !
I can't understand why "zengrifter" every day come with invitation to join another forum.
I think he don't know that all related to MMM should be discussed only in our forum.
For all our members to know.
If you put info on some forums try to do this shortly.
If the people want to know more they will come and will read full information on our forum.
Many people like "zengrifter" are more interested in his forum as in our system.
And when I come to that forum I see that there are not serious people and all they do
this can be called "Show Room of funny people"
-------------------------« Reply #1 on: Today at 04:54:28 AM »
From now don't publish to much info on other forums.
All is to publish should be shortly.
Will be the day when we will must erase all this !
I can't understand why "zengrifter" every day come with invitation to join another forum.
I think he don't know that all related to MMM should be discussed only in our forum.
For all our members to know.
If you put info on some forums try to do this shortly.
If the people want to know more they will come and will read full information on our forum.
Many people like "zengrifter" are more interested in his forum as in our system.
And when I come to that forum I see that there are not serious people and all they do
this can be called "Show Room of funny people"
"Show Room of Funny People"... at the WBPITTW, I might add! z:laugh:g