Smaller Bet Spread


Just curious, using the hi low count

we know a TC of 1 means ur advantage is even

so lets say your betting 10 dollars a hand when ur in the negative or TC 1, then when u reach 2 or 3 u make a bet of 20, and 4 or 5 you make a bet of 40...what would the advantage be for the casino or player...thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Prince said:
we know a TC of 1 means ur advantage is even
That depends on the game. Many games will give the player a slight edge at +1 while others will not give a decent advantage until +2. It all depends on the game and the player.

Prince said:
so lets say your betting 10 dollars a hand when ur in the negative or TC 1, then when u reach 2 or 3 u make a bet of 20, and 4 or 5 you make a bet of 40...what would the advantage be for the casino or player
A $10-$40 spread will probably give the casino the advantage, although it might be close to a break even game. You could get an advantage with aggressive backcounting, but not if you plan to play-all.



Well-Known Member

I just have a quick question...what do you mean by saying that some will have a slight edge at TC +1, but others not until +2? I was just curious, do you mean index plays, betting, intangibles?


good luck


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
what do you mean by saying that some will have a slight edge at TC +1, but others not until +2? I was just curious, do you mean index plays, betting, intangibles?
Indices to play a part, but mostly it has to do with the rules of the particular game. Does the dealer stand on soft 17? Can you double down after splitting? Can you surrender? Can you resplit aces? A smaller house edge will be esier to overcome. That is why your advantage at each TC can vary dramatically from game to game.



so lets say You can split aces once, double down any 2 cards (including after splitting), dealer stays on soft 17 and no surrendering...


Well-Known Member
Prince said:
My question was if you were to double your bet at +2,3,4,5...etc what would there advantage be? Im guessing around .20?
With a 1-16 spread like that you would probably have about a 1-1.5% advantage. You can find complete charts for just about any set of rules and various betting styles in Don Schlesinger's "Blackjack Attack"



Well-Known Member
1-to-4 Spread

I've run sims for the typical shoe game (S17, DOA, DAS 4.25/6.0) which show a 1-to-4 spread with a wongout point of -2 true to be just about a break even game. That was with a middle-of-the-road counting system and the I18 indices.