smart cards vs. casino verite?


Well-Known Member
For the sole purpose of card count training which is superior Smartcards or casino verite? I personally used cvbj but have heard from many other folk that smartcards is superior. I have never even smartcards available anywhere, or even that it exists other than on bj forums. Any info?


Well-Known Member
Counting Cards

Practice, Practice, Practice and dedication to Practice is much more important than spending money on software as a crutch to simplify or buy a shortcut to learn this skill. 2 decks of cards and a review of tips on this site will suffice if counting cards is the only skill you want to learn. Casino Verite is a great software application but is only applicable for the cost if you want to go beyond learning to count cards.


Rookie is mistaken - software is THE WAY to drill. CV drilld are great - SmartCards drills are equally good without all the frills and distractions , just hard core drills... where its at! zg


Well-Known Member
Zengrifter is right! Software is the way to go. Software speeds things up and prevents you from getting fatigue from constantly dealing and shuffling cards especially when using multiple decks. Software definitely improved and speeded up my counting abilities plus you can keep records of your counting and weather or not you are actually making any money from your counting abilities. If you can't make money while practising you won't do it in the heat of the battle of a casino which could end up saving you lots of money.


The drilling to which I refer is specifically NOT playing BJ on the computer! The drills are specific for counting speed, deck est., TC converstion, etc. zg


Well-Known Member
I have been counting in casino's for little over a year now, but my bro is wanting to get in the action and doesnt want to shell out the $90+ for CVBJ. Where can you get Smartcards? and for how much??



The best one for a budget - as good as SmartCards and my personal favorite - is NePlusUltra, still available from Gamblers Book Club.

(Dead link:
by Ne Plus
Order 245102...$39.95
Two different programs, Master Course is a basic strategy and count system tutor, for beginner or advanced player, with exercises, error messages, numerous settings and aids, including every tool necessary for mastering the game of blackjack. You choose from dozens of traditional whole-number count strategies or analyze and create your own methods. All elements of counting are broken into 20 exercises, from the simplest to the most advanced combinations. Advanced graphics let you see a 3-D realistic discard for deck penetration and conversion practice. Practicum is the game only with strategy tutor (recommended for use with the new Smart Cards, Smart Charts, Smart Chips and Smart Tracker by Extreme Blackjack--described in this section). Monitors your progress, accuracy and strategy with graphs and charts. System requirements: Windows 3.1/95, 4MB disk space.


Staff member
Any idea why this product is no longer offered at (Dead link: ?
I was wanting to review it for including in the store, but if it is no longer offered at the publisher's site I assume it has been discontinued?


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Any idea why this product is no longer offered at (Dead link: ?
I was wanting to review it for including in the store, but if it is no longer offered at the publisher's site I assume it has been discontinued?
I had a hard time finding it as well but came across this site. Bro ordered it last night. its towards the bottom of the page.


KenSmith said:
I assume it has been discontinued?
Yes, I think so... but I think SmtCards has also been discontinued - both are very similar, Richard Ried had a hand in both, SmtCards was a wee-bit more versatile.

My NeUltra has worked fine for 10 yrs, however, and I swear by it! zg


Staff member
One item of note. Norm just released Casino Verite v4, and I'm finally going to get around to writing a full-blown review of this product soon. The new version has several great new features. Here's a brief list:

A new 6-seat ultra-realistic table format is available.
A new 'casino heat' profile attempts to show how much attention your play is generating.
Lucky Ladies and Blackjack Switch are now available.
KO, KISS I and Mentor counting strategies added.
More dealer error types added.
Double Exposure strategies are available.
Hole-carding strategies are available.
Drills have been reworked, with a new Internet Tests capability.

There's a lot more.

CV version 4 is already available for purchase at the BlackjackInfo store.