Solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine?


New Member
Is there anyone have the solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine? Pls share your thought here. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
fong said:
Is there anyone have the solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine? Pls share your thought here. Thanks.
If anyone does have a CSM solution, it should not be disclosed publicly. That said, if anyone has such a CSM silver bullet, I think fong and I (and probably everyone else on this forum) would love to receive a private message about it.


Well-Known Member
fong said:
Is there anyone have the solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine? Pls share your thought here. Thanks.
Yes there is, but I share nothing, am I an idiot ??
But there is only a small advantage, the question is, is the afford
worth the gain ??
I don't like to have an advantage less than 2-3 %.
Did you ever tried only counting. For me forget it.
For interest is, to have an advantage of 6% or more.

I can get that in handshuffled games, I do it.

regards rainer:cool2::joker::cool2:


Well-Known Member
This has been discussed at length in previous posts - search back through the forum and you'll the threads.

In summary the answer is yes, but advantages when they happen will be short lived (just one or two hands) and you'll need a HUGE betting spread to turn it profitable.

The only other way is to tamper with the device somehow to affect the way in which cards are dealt out (or not). This, of course, is not advantage play but cheating.



Well-Known Member


I would consider selling you information on how to beat these machines under one of the following arrangements:

i) For $2 million USD you can have the info on condition that you sign a confidentiality agreement not to reveal the info to anyone else.

ii) For $5 million USD you can tell one family member what you know but they must not use the information to their advantage.

iii) For $10 million USD you can employ a small team (no more than 5 members, and no more than one person per country, to exploit the information).

iv) For $25 million USD you can use the information as you see fit.

(Prices subject to upward revision in the face of any future substantial shifts in the value of the dollar.)



Well-Known Member
alienated said:

I would consider selling you information on how to beat these machines under one of the following arrangements:

i) For $2 million USD you can have the info on condition that you sign a confidentiality agreement not to reveal the info to anyone else.

ii) For $5 million USD you can tell one family member what you know but they must not use the information to their advantage.

iii) For $10 million USD you can employ a small team (no more than 5 members, and no more than one person per country, to exploit the information).

iv) For $25 million USD you can use the information as you see fit.

(Prices subject to upward revision in the face of any future substantial shifts in the value of the dollar.)

Hahaha good one Alienated


Well-Known Member
alienated--I would do that,
but first money to my hand.

To be very honest, it would be very hard to beat them,
and what I said : is the gain worth the afford?

Someone who does that puzzle,must play IMHO
at least 25 hours the week, to get any gain.

The flux are smaller than counting.

the best rainer:cool2:


Active Member
Do you guys think that it is possible to develop a pattern for CSM? Of course

each CSM will have different pattern.