If anyone does have a CSM solution, it should not be disclosed publicly. That said, if anyone has such a CSM silver bullet, I think fong and I (and probably everyone else on this forum) would love to receive a private message about it.fong said:Is there anyone have the solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine? Pls share your thought here. Thanks.
Yes there is, but I share nothing, am I an idiot ??fong said:Is there anyone have the solution for One2Six CSM shuffling machine? Pls share your thought here. Thanks.
Hahaha good one Alienatedalienated said:fong,
I would consider selling you information on how to beat these machines under one of the following arrangements:
i) For $2 million USD you can have the info on condition that you sign a confidentiality agreement not to reveal the info to anyone else.
ii) For $5 million USD you can tell one family member what you know but they must not use the information to their advantage.
iii) For $10 million USD you can employ a small team (no more than 5 members, and no more than one person per country, to exploit the information).
iv) For $25 million USD you can use the information as you see fit.
(Prices subject to upward revision in the face of any future substantial shifts in the value of the dollar.)
I would be happy with that kind of advantage. Especially on a CSM.I don't like to have an advantage less than 2-3 %.