Some advice needed


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
It would be easy for you to switch to ZEN and stop side-counting Aces - you can keep your AO2 indices and simply switch your Ace and 9 tag values. zg

tags 2-A -

AO2: 112221 0-1-2 0
ZEN: 112221 0 0-2-1
Curious, to what all the commotion about the zen count was about, i compared the two a couple of days ago and was surprised to learn how similiar the both of them were.
Being the optimist, and not the pessimist that i am i have already taken this into consideration[especially for the aspect of multiple decks].
But if your reasoning for the recomendation is regarded to mental exertion,with all do respest, I assure you that its not that taxing anymore. I am profecient.
Nevertheless, however, if i was convinced that the zen could offer me more power and better results than the A011 even with my powerful ace play adjustments[primarily for 1 and 2D only]Then by all means, especially since im starting to re-tackle the multiple deck games after 5 years from switchin to the two, compells me to investigate this oppurtunity a little bit further.
If i have seen beyond the mountain into the valley of the shadow of truth it is because i have stood on the shoulders of giant's. B.C.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
It would be easy for you to switch to ZEN and stop side-counting Aces - you can keep your AO2 indices and simply switch your Ace and 9 tag values. zg

tags 2-A -

AO2: 112221 0-1-2 0
ZEN: 112221 0 0-2-1
Just got done taking a long hard look at the victor apc, b.c 99%+:p.c,68%:i,e 89% Compared to the A011 b.c 99%+ i know with my ace play adjustment i can bring my p.c from 67% to 68% and my Ei from 85% to at least match it's 89% i know i can, it has to be!
Im going back there to study its playing strategy a bit more, to help me make some modifications to some more of the extreme plays such as doubling A7vs7 A8vs7 A9vs7 A8vs8 A9vs8, standing 13vs7, splitting 10's vs 7 or 8, maybe even an ace. Doubling 5 0n 5etc. And having optional indices for 13 and 14 vs dealers 6 contingent upon wether he hits s17 or not.
This system is flat out awesome. What do you think. VICTOR APC.
thanks guys, this is really helpfull so far. in about 3-4 days i'm going to hit the casinos, so i'll be practicing untill then. the sad thing is that here in romania they only offer 6D games... i would love to play SD or DD :). by the way, where can i find additional info in these systems (zen, that VICTOR APC you were talking about)?
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jack said:
But if your reasoning for the recomendation is regarded to mental exertion,with all do respest, I assure you that its not that taxing anymore. I am profecient.
The issue is that the method by which you count the Aces, as expressed by Carlson, is inadequate - 1/4D density estimation. Using that method you are NOT getting anymore value overall than if you simply included the Ace in the primary count (ala ZEN) - thus you are working harder to net the same value AT BEST. To get the full value of AO2 you must use a secondary simultaneous count: 3,5 +1 vs. A -2.

Another flaw in A02 is the 9 tag -1: it compromises the accuracy of your insurance betting.

As I say, A02 indices will work fine with ZEN tags. zg


Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
Sounds like an easy switch for him then!
Now that ive checked out the zen system more thoroughly, i see what your talkin about, powerful indeed, it'll take a little time to get used to but i think i can handle it.
It just makes perfect sense, expressed in pounds, shcillings and pence.
Work smarter not harder. Thanks again for the free advice.

Whirling cards and dancing chips:cool2:


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
The issue is that the method by which you count the Aces, as expressed by Carlson, is inadequate - 1/4D density estimation. Using that method you are NOT getting anymore value overall than if you simply included the Ace in the primary count (ala ZEN) - thus you are working harder to net the same value AT BEST. To get the full value of AO2 you must use a secondary simultaneous count: 3,5 +1 vs. A -2.

Another flaw in A02 is the 9 tag -1: it compromises the accuracy of your insurance betting.

As I say, A02 indices will work fine with ZEN tags. zg
Now im starting, to get it, until just recently ive never heard of this before. I must confess i thought you were blowing smoke. my apologies. I saw that you can bring your b.c up to 99.2% from 89.9% thats nice.
Can you tell please tell me how exactly i would use this secondary count, Do you add the two together for all purposes. Help, im very serious to learn it, but a little confused. Would the extra effort be worth it?