Some Thoughts on Indian Gaming


Well-Known Member
Gauntlet of Parasites: The Seamy Side of Tribal Gaming Business

By Jack Fiander May 23, 2011

Nearly a quarter century after enactment of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, one must wonder why Indian country remains among the most impoverished communities in the nation.
Indian gaming has spawned a host of parasitic industries. As a young lawyer, I was amazed at the speed with which many major law firms throughout the country created an “Indian law section” or “Indian gaming section” within their firms following enactment of IGRA. Often, one of my fellow rookie Indian lawyers would be hired, at meager pay for meager duties, and featured prominently in the firm’s brochure—as if to convey the message that, by selecting this firm, a tribe was furthering the cause of native people. Imagine my consternation after several years as an apprentice Indian law practitioner when I realize that all I really had to do was quadruple my hourly rate and announce specialization in Indian gaming.
Other businesses quickly realized the benefits of this strategy, and took it one step further by adopting business names to attract unsuspecting tribal clients. All sorts of “sovereign nation,” Indian First, insurance, financial, investment management, and consultant firms sprang up and offered their services to Tribes and tribal casinos. Except for their title, such companies rarely had Indian owners or investors. Congress’ idea behind Tribal gaming was to “promote tribal economic development, tribal self-sufficiency, and strong tribal government.” Very little of the money spent upon such firms or entities, however, trickles down to Indian country.
Numerous trade magazines tout and display the paraphernalia of Tribal gaming, as though whichever tribe constructs the most extravagant building has the least social or economic ills among their people. Like many issues in Indian country, there is a reluctance to engage in a healthy discussion, and thereby address, some of the problem areas associated with tribal gaming. Building a healthy reservation economy requires strong policies designed to trap revenues so that they are recirculated in the local reservation economy. Granted, revenues of tribal casinos are generated in Indian country. However, the receipt of such funds is only half of the solution if the majority to the gaming entity’s expenditures are paid out to foreign entities located far outside Indian country with no real ties to the reservation. Here are some thoughts for addressing some of the problem areas associated with Tribal gaming.
Like any business, your tribal Casino probably advertise to fill upper management employment positions. Have you been infiltrated. Infiltration occurs when you unwittingly hire an official or employee who may still secretly be on the payroll of a vendor providing goods or services who simply desires to capture your account as a customer. For example, your casino hires a food and beverage department manager who then sterrs you in the direction of procuring supplies from a particular supplier. Even worse, perhaps you hire a director for your electronic gaming machines department and months later you realize you’ve been persuaded to switch completely over to products manufactured by one particular company. You’ve been infiltrated.
Golden Parachutes
Many tribal casino management staff members are uncomfortable with the pure form of democracy prevalent among Indian tribal communities. Opinions are freely exchanged, grievances are freely petitioned for. Recalls of officials is not uncommon. As a result of this perceived insecurity, it is tempting for senior management staff to do business with particular vendors as a way of currying favor. Throw business, through the procurement process, their way and, if things go wrong employment-wise, there is a safe haven of temporary employment.
To avoid your staff from feeling the need to create golden parachutes, hire qualified staff and pay them well. Persons who are well paid and feel safe are immune from temptations. Create established procurement policies which must be followed without exception. Once there is too much discretion to select who provides goods or services to your establishment, the door is open.
Rarely, if ever, should you simply sign the other party’s boilerplate contract. Tribal casinos are enough of an economic power that if a company wants your business they will be willing to negotiate terms. Far too often have I been asked to undo contracts in which a casino agreed in a contract that the terms would be subject to the laws of some far distant state, or one with “automatic rollover” provisions and complicated termination procedures such that in order to cancel the contract you must essentially buy out the remaining years of the contract. Develop your own boilerplate for your protection and use it.
Having signed a contract with a vendor or entity you assumed would be the one actually providing the service, you may notice that someone else is actually doing it, perhaps at a level of service below what you expected. To avoid this, make sure the contracts signed on behalf of your gaming entity are not “assignable.” If they are, the provider you selected may simply subcontract, or assign, the contract’s performance to someone else, probably at a discount. Basically, it is a form of skimming, and the company you thought you were using was just a broker. You’ve just been had.
“Reimbursable Expenses”
Many consultants providing services to tribal casinos know how to play this game. You’ve made a selection based upon a firm’s reasonable hourly rates, and later regret it when invoices for their actual out of pocket reimbursable expenses come in claiming reimbursement for extravagant meals or business meetings, newspapers, latte’s first class travel and hotels. Combat this problem by developing written reimbursement rates or limits as to what your casino will pay.
Unfortunately, these things still happen from time to time and are extremely difficult to discover. If you suspect that your casino management is selecting or recommending a particular general contractor in return for consideration, you are unlikely to find direct proof. The compensation may be deferred for years down the road so no audit will disclose it. Your only resource is to perform regular and thorough background checks, which raises another issue.
Background Checks
Most employers do a thorough background check once, at the ime of hiring. Thereafter, not so much. As a lawyer, I am constrained to preserve the secrets of clients. Therefore, I can only look with alarm at the numerous of my former criminal defense clients, many with suspended drivers’ licenses or felony convictions driving a tribal vehicle or handling funds. Make sure your Human Resources department updates background checks regularly.
Risk Takers
Persons who frequent gaming establishments are often by nature gamblers or risk takers. Indian tribal casinos are perceived as deep pockets. As such, they are vulnerable to patrons who slip and fall “accidentally on purpose” or spill hot coffee on themselves. Often, all they want is a coupon book or some two-for-one tickets to the dinner buffet. Some, however, are capable of feigning injury in the hope of hitting the jackpot in a major way. Handle this one by having a competent legal team modeled, if you wish, after the fabled “Disney” lawyers who are rumored to have never lost a case or, if a matter is settled, it done quickly, fairly and in strictest confidentiality because once word gets out that your establishment is an easy mark, the floodgates are open.
As you can see, building a reservation economy is a difficult task. At the same time you are attempting to improve the lives of your people, there are also people out there who desire your business for their own purposes. Increasing your casino’s revenues is only one measure of success. To build an economy, you must also endeavor to make sure your expenditures are (to borrow a phrase from the Indian Self-Determination Act) “to the greatest extent feasible” spent locally. All of that far away travel to Las Vegas, Reno or elsewhere does nothing to benefit the businesses (restaurants, hotels, etc.) in your community. It creates a mini version of the fiscal crisis the United States economy found itself in when the Government realized that too many U.S. dollars had gone to China rather than spent purchasing from or employing its own people. Utilize trainers who are willing to travel to your location. That way, the expenses they incur will benefit your community, not just theirs. If your tribe has a TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance), follow it. It’s there for a reason.
Jack Fiander (Yakama/Chippewa-Cree) is an attorney and founder of Sacred Ground Legal Services, which represents tribal clients on a nonprofit basis. He has practiced law in Indian country since before IGRA was enacted.


He left out a few things

Stuff like, "honor stated policies during promos", "don't strip innocent patrons naked", etc.


Well-Known Member
Some Thought on Indian Gaming

This article tells of the corruption from the vendors POV. Let me tell you there is also massive corruption on the tribal side also.

Currently I work for a Tribe in Oklahoma that is dealing with a corrupt Governor. She is not a moral woman. This lady has been in office since January 2010. In the 17 months of her administration she has undertaken many tasks that a reasonable person would consider to be unethical and some that are just plain illegal.

Her campaign promised transparency. She promised that she would find out what has happened to tribal gaming funds derived from casino profits. But there must be something that happens to people from the time they go from the outside to the being on the inside where they have actual control of millions of dollars. Nothing has been found out about the tribe's gaming funds from this woman. She has been treating tribal gaming funds like they were her own.

Some of the things she is doing with the gaming funds is that select employees are having their payday loans paid off. Another lady who works under the corrupt governor and who has been banned from working with the Tribes once already (why she was allowed to come back and work for the Tribes, I don't know, I guess she was buddies with the governor) is using the tribe's American Express card for her own personal needs. I have seen over $5000 in expenses that are disallowed under NIGC regulations. These charges were for things like gas (the tribes have a different card for that), hotel rooms when she wasn't on business-related travel, clothes, rental movies, high dollar restaurants and even charges at a bar. This credit card has been charged up to over $20,000 for December 2010 but I have not seen the statement so I am not positive all charges are for her personal needs but you know, once a person gets started down the path...

Also the corrupt governor has employed many unqualified people for high-paying positions. One lady barely has her GED yet has a $86,000/yr job with great benefits. One dude who worked at the post office was nominated to be the Treasurer in charge of over $50 million in tribal and federal funds. That too paid $86,000. He is no longer the Treasurer but still works for the Tribes. What he does I don't know but he still is paid $86,000. The current treasurer is supposed to be bonded but isn't. Her administration has presented insurance as fulfilling the role of the bond.

This lady was elected Governor primarily through one district. She received over 80% of her votes from that one district (there are four total districts). Now that district is reaping the benefits of getting her into office. Many people now have jobs where they don't even have to show up to work. All they have to know how to do is cash a paycheck apparently. Ghost employees are everywhere in this district.

Elders from this district are receiving triple the benefits they are eligible for while elders from other districts are turned away due to "lack of funds". Elders from this district have also been taken on trips to Santa Fe, Denver (twice), Bear Butte, SD and now have been given rooms for a pow-wow in OKC this weekend (june 3-5) while elders from other district are denied the privilege of getting to go on these trips.

Crisis assistance is denied for people who are not residents of this district. Last week a tornado came through Canadian County killing four people. Many tribal members lost their entire homes and others were critically injured. No crisis assistance for these tribal members because they weren't from the district that voted her in.

This corrupt governor has thrown out the correct tribal court system and installed her own judges. The election board has been replaced too. Judges, commission members and board members are supposed to be nominated by the governor and approved by the legislature. That is not being done any longer. The corrupt governor is appointing her own people. Do you think she will hold an honest election? If we do not get her out she will be in control for the next 10 years.

This and much more is being done by this corrupt governor. And NIGC, who is supposed to be overseeing tribal gaming regulations and make sure they are being followed, is doing nothing. In trying to have this corrupt administration thrown out I have found out that most everybody, the NIGC, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior, State of Oklahoma, IRS, and other federal agencies are basically saying "that's too bad but we don't have jurisdiction, good luck" and that's it. No one really cares and just passes the buck.

The Tribes don't have to worry about organized crime (the mob) infiltrating indian gaming. The Tribes have managed to screw things up all on their own.
The Tribes have their own crooks.


Well-Known Member
Indian gaming/reservations

I have had a few people that deal with certain issues tell me off the cuff stories that are almost unbelievable. I have alot of empathy for people that are taken advantage of regardless of the reason. There are alot of growing pains associated with tribal gaming industry to say the least. Any industry needs focus and good leaders to steer them all in the right direction. The preceding posts are enlighting to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Great thread Flash. Thanks for sharing.
I definitely concur with Creeping Panther as I have see it first hand. There is an old saying in government "It's gotta go out before it comes in!" That quote right there is the MO for much of the fleecing of govermnments; large and small, and businesses.

Education of the people is the only way to curb these types of practices. I dont think is can be stopped completely.



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
this gent just outlined the way business and government operates throughout the US.

ya think CP ??
And NDN21s' post just reinforces the fact that on the federal, state and local level, incompetence, followed closely by corruption and cronyism are pervasive in this society.
This is a symptom of our lack of "political participation" and the total capitulation of the leaders of many large American corporations to be responsible stewards of their customers, employees, bond holders and share holders.... and tribal members.