Just Learning
I bet after reading the title of this thread one of two things happened. 1: you thought this thread might contain some new formula to extract more money from the casinos. 2: you could not belive there is some one out there that is that stupid. The point of this thread is to learn if splitting 10's vs 6 is profitable or not. First of all I am not a card counter, yet. I am just learning. I want to get your ideas why this might be good or bad and where I might find some info on this.
But first a little back ground...
I was thinking about how to get more money on the table when the dealer has a 6 showing. Why not split my 10's. If the count was very high, a lot of 10s in the deck, then the chance of the dealer having a 16 then hitting to bust is a high probality. If I split my 10s and get more 10s then I will have more hands of 20 on the table. Or I just keep spliting to the table max. Either way I have a lot of money on the table and the count is still positive.
If the count is low then if I split my 10s I might be able to drive the count back to positive by taking more cards. With a 6 showing the dealer still has a chance to bust, so I might still win with low hands.
QUESTION: Does this sound like a good idea or is my thinking flawed? Either way if you can give my reasons why you think that. And if you know of any source that address this issue please let me know.
Thanks for all the input.
But first a little back ground...
I was thinking about how to get more money on the table when the dealer has a 6 showing. Why not split my 10's. If the count was very high, a lot of 10s in the deck, then the chance of the dealer having a 16 then hitting to bust is a high probality. If I split my 10s and get more 10s then I will have more hands of 20 on the table. Or I just keep spliting to the table max. Either way I have a lot of money on the table and the count is still positive.
If the count is low then if I split my 10s I might be able to drive the count back to positive by taking more cards. With a 6 showing the dealer still has a chance to bust, so I might still win with low hands.
QUESTION: Does this sound like a good idea or is my thinking flawed? Either way if you can give my reasons why you think that. And if you know of any source that address this issue please let me know.
Thanks for all the input.