Splitting 8's


Active Member
I'm not usually very excited about splitting 8s against a dealer 10. Last night something remarkable happened.

Obviously, I got a pair of 8's. I indicated I wanted to split...and was a little surprised that the dealer said "r u sure u want to split against a ten? I thought everyone ....even non AP's split 8's?

Anyway...both hands ended up 8,7,6! Nice ending to the story. I'm usually stuck w two 18's against a 20.

This particular dealer also questioned doubling 11's and hitting soft 18's against faces.

Guess my camo of an inexperienced female is working :)



Well-Known Member
mica said:
I'm not usually very excited about splitting 8s against a dealer 10. Last night something remarkable happened.

Obviously, I got a pair of 8's. I indicated I wanted to split...and was a little surprised that the dealer said "r u sure u want to split against a ten? I thought everyone ....even non AP's split 8's?

Anyway...both hands ended up 8,7,6! Nice ending to the story. I'm usually stuck w two 18's against a 20.

This particular dealer also questioned doubling 11's and hitting soft 18's against faces.

Guess my camo of an inexperienced female is working :)

Yup~ You got lucky. Every dealer knows that you don't split eights against a dealer ten. :eek:


Well-Known Member
A Vegas dealer told me he never hits 16 against a dealer ten. I wonder if he knew how great a cover move that is.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Although you claim you are attractive. But somehow from your writing style, I think you are either a man or a plain-looking women (or even worse).
This is one MEAN Geniusism :eek::eek:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
A Vegas dealer told me he never hits 16 against a dealer ten. I wonder if he knew how great a cover move that is.
Tons of ploppies do it. But then again they probably don't hit 16 v 7.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
The dealer hates. He wants you lose money.

Although you claim you are attractive. But somehow from your writing style, I think you are either a man or a plain-looking women (or even worse).
I can hardly imagine what could be worse than being a man or a plain-looking woman! :joker:


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
The dealer hates. He wants you lose money.

Although you claim you are attractive. But somehow from your writing style, I think you are either a man or a plain-looking women (or even worse).
based on your writing style, you are definitely asian...hope your cover at the tables is better

PS: no offense to asians intended....he's a genius so be happy


Active Member

BJgenius007 said:
The dealer hates. He wants you lose money.

Although you claim you are attractive. But somehow from your writing style, I think you are either a man or a plain-looking women (or even worse).
I confess that i am female....butI dont remember ever saying I was attractive. Not sure what I wrote that made u feel so mean?

I am a fairly new member...until this reply...my experience on this forum has been positive. If u r trying to drive new members away...your tactic will work.


Well-Known Member
mica said:
I confess that i am female....butI dont remember ever saying I was attractive. Not sure what I wrote that made u feel so mean?

I am a fairly new member...until this reply...my experience on this forum has been positive. If u r trying to drive new members away...your tactic will work.
Take Genius with a pound of salt, two aspirin, and a bunch of hard liquor. Better yet you can just set your preferences to IGNORE him.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Would you like to make a guess if I am a Vietnamese, Korean, Indian or something else?

def NOT Indian, but i GUARANTEE you are either Vietamese, Korean, Japanese, or Chinese


Well-Known Member
mica said:
I confess that i am female....butI dont remember ever saying I was attractive. Not sure what I wrote that made u feel so mean?

I am a fairly new member...until this reply...my experience on this forum has been positive. If u r trying to drive new members away...your tactic will work.
Don't let him bother you, he gets hammered on all of his postings so he has now found someone to hammer. Read, learn and have fun here. If someone is offensive they will be dealt with by our fearless moderators. As far as the splitting 8's vs. a ten.... I usually surrender. Many will tell me this is wrong on negative and correct on positive, but I'm a chicken.


Active Member
I would have surrendered if possible

Thanks for feedback re: genius's insult. I am probably being too sensitive (after all...I am female! lol)

Re: splitting 8's against a 10. I would have surrendered in a heartbeat if that option was available! Until last night, I have had very little luck splitting 8's or for that matter, even Aces against a dealers 10. The chances of getting a 7,6 twice must be unbeleavably small. However....I was playing at a 6 shoe table.

Thanks to all for support. After some consideration....I won't let one bad apple....

This forum has been a great place for me to learn. With the exception of genius's post.....everyone has been incredibly kind and helpful. There is a wealth of wisdom and experience here.....I would be stupid to leave just because someone felt like being mean. :sad:



Active Member
Ploppies are reluctant to split anything, because they think that will disturb the flow of cards.:laugh:


Active Member
deleted by genius or managment...good job either way

halibut said:
What happened to his posts?:)
The insulting reply has been removed. I don't know if the poster edited/deleted it or if management did. Either way....Thanks!
