St Croix Casino

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
This casino definitely isn't one of the best out there for Advantage play, but they certainly offer a fair game. One of the last holdouts in the area to offer S17, I advise all my BS and ploppy friends to go here above all others. I was there on a Saturday night, and here's what I found:
(except for the $3 table, max bets are always 20x minimum)
1-$10 4 deck
1-$5 DD shoe
several $5 DD pitch-- All DD games here suffer from poor penetration. I heard several ploppies complain about the constant shuffling... when will casinos learn? :whip:
2- $10 DD pitch
2- $25 DD pitch
1- $3 6D- I don't remember what exactly the max bet was, but one of the people I went with complained it was ridiculously low. It was less than $25, I remember that much :eek:
1- $5 6D
1- $10 6D.

This casino is to be saluted for offering a fair game. Despite the no DAS on DD, it has the lowest house advantage of any casino anywhere nearby (its sister casino in Danbury excluded.) At least half of the tables were DD! They'd make so much more profit if they dealt deeper. .

Again, not the casino to go to if you're looking for serious AP. But for a fun night with friends it cannot be beat. $3 blackjack, even on a Saturday night. Good buffet.

Blue Efficacy said:
This casino definitely isn't one of the best out there for Advantage play, but they certainly offer a fair game. One of the last holdouts in the area to offer S17, I advise all my BS and ploppy friends to go here above all others. I was there on a Saturday night, and here's what I found:
(except for the $3 table, max bets are always 20x minimum)
1-$10 4 deck
1-$5 DD shoe
several $5 DD pitch-- All DD games here suffer from poor penetration. I heard several ploppies complain about the constant shuffling... when will casinos learn? :whip:
2- $10 DD pitch
2- $25 DD pitch
1- $3 6D- I don't remember what exactly the max bet was, but one of the people I went with complained it was ridiculously low. It was less than $25, I remember that much :eek:
1- $5 6D
1- $10 6D.

This casino is to be saluted for offering a fair game. Despite the no DAS on DD, it has the lowest house advantage of any casino anywhere nearby (its sister casino in Danbury excluded.) At least half of the tables were DD! They'd make so much more profit if they dealt deeper. .

Again, not the casino to go to if you're looking for serious AP. But for a fun night with friends it cannot be beat. $3 blackjack, even on a Saturday night. Good buffet.
Blue, nice report:) Thank you. You can blame most of these situations you complain about to ignorance on the part of the casino and some to AP's that think it is funny to burn out these games.

I have been playing in the GNW since Friday and still am, with very good AP conditions and $3 tables,6d, abound with better rules than Croix.

I am also playing a far better DD game than Croix offers.

Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

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Well-Known Member
hehe, I almost got into a fight with a guy at the poker table there, lol. Yeah they had me removed :p

He blew his top off like he was some sort of genius when he immediatelly called my huge raise when he had pocket 99s and I had 88s.

I was playing tight the whole night too

I think he spite called me and I had him on a leash and didn't know it, cause we got into some bickering earlier. In that case, I should know better when a guy is gonna spite call me :)
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The Mighty Turtle!

I love playing that place! They used to have great pen, last time I went it was mediocre but you could still get a good game if you chose dealers carefully. Don't get hypnotized by the DD, the 4D games are usually the best.

One time I went and got a heads up game and had a girl dealing me over 300 hands per hour all night. Bad session for results but great EV.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
The 4D game wasn't anything great, but it was good. They only had one table of it when I was there, the rest mainly DD and a few 6D.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
At least one of the two $25 DD tables was empty the whole time I was there on a Saturday night. The pen varied between 45-60%, most always 50-55%.

So heads up isn't hard to come by for a green chipper. But does being heads up really make up for the poor pen?


Well-Known Member
When i wrote that, the pen was varying depending on the dealer and their attention span to details. Get some of them talking and they become loose with their skills. Or was my experience at the time. I have been there 1 time since last was a very good session that took less than 30 minutes. I felt robbed that it took 1 hr to drive there...but whatever...I'd rather go home and watch tv on a friday night then lose it all back. :cool2:


Well-Known Member
I prefer Mystic to the Turtle.

Turtle does have a better game I think than Mystic, but the gain in EV is partially offset by the drive into the middle of nowhere.

Mystic also has many many more tables and higher limits. At least for me, I think I can make more overall at Mystic.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
chichow said:
I prefer Mystic to the Turtle.

Turtle does have a better game I think than Mystic, but the gain in EV is partially offset by the drive into the middle of nowhere.

Mystic also has many many more tables and higher limits. At least for me, I think I can make more overall at Mystic.
Unless you play the $1000 max tables at Mystic, I don't see how higher limit tables are an issue. They usually have a $500 max 4D and a $500 max DD at Croix.


Well-Known Member
@ Mystic there are 3 different pits. You can walk away from say HL and head over to the tables near the entrance and still back count and play tables with the 199 limit. As such you can continue +EV play.

At Turtle, there is one long pit. You are potentially in view of the pit critter wherever you are (yes i realize there is the eye in the sky), but I think its easier to go un-noticed at Mystic

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
chichow said:
@ Mystic there are 3 different pits. You can walk away from say HL and head over to the tables near the entrance and still back count and play tables with the 199 limit. As such you can continue +EV play.

At Turtle, there is one long pit. You are potentially in view of the pit critter wherever you are (yes i realize there is the eye in the sky), but I think its easier to go un-noticed at Mystic
Mystic has 6 pits plus HL.

It is easier to go unnoticed at Mystic, you're right. But the pit critters can certainly see you there too, as does the eye.

But if you are noticed, just remember, the worst that can happen is you can no longer play BJ there. Their 4D is actually even better than Mystics, and the DD is much much better. Mystic's DD has garbage rules.