St Louis/ Tunica conditions?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone update me with the current driving conditions around St. Louis?
How is the drive from Tunica<->St. Louis around christmas/new year time?

PS: Any info on games not listed in public materials will also be appreciated and returned over time..



Well-Known Member
Driving conditions in St. Louis

A storm passed through St. Louis earlier in the week, but roads are all clear now. Subject to winter conditions any time during the months of Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar, but the percentage of days that roads are adversely affected during that time is pretty low. I usually go ahead and make plans, and seldom need to change because of weather.


Well-Known Member
Addendum to St. Louis driving conditions

I just saw a weather forecast, and some freezing rain is forecast for the St. Louis area today. The temperature is to be close to freezing, so I would not expect much of a driving problem.


Well-Known Member
New at this site

I just joined. I haven't yet figured out how this works. Apparently, as a new member I am not allowed PM privileges. If you will PM me with an e-mail address, I will talk to you a bit about playing conditions in St. Louis.


Well-Known Member
I can't pm you as well

you can try emailing me at '[email protected]'

Once you have posted atleast 5 times on this site, you shall be able to send/receive Messages.. Your current post-count is 3... 2 more to go..



Well-Known Member
Tried to e-mail

I tried your e-mail but it didn't work. That's 4. If I can think of anything else to say, I will have reached the requirement.


Well-Known Member
Are you asking for Tunica or St Louis conditions?

Tunica is pretty good especially for red chip play. Every place has H17 DD, betwen 50 and 75%, DAS DOA. Really liberal with comps. Single deck is dicey, I think only one or two places still have it, it's sweaty, and they don't deal deeply.


Well-Known Member

moo321 said:
Are you asking for Tunica or St Louis conditions?

Tunica is pretty good especially for red chip play. Every place has H17 DD, betwen 50 and 75%, DAS DOA. Really liberal with comps. Single deck is dicey, I think only one or two places still have it, it's sweaty, and they don't deal deeply.
I was primarily asking for driving (roadtrip) conditions from Tunica <-> st Louis during xmas/new year..


Well-Known Member
Driving Tunica-St. Louis

Don't know if you are asking about general highway conditions or weather. It is mostly interstate. I haven't traveled it since last spring. There was a lot of construction with lane closures at that time. I can't imagine that this is the case in mid-winter, but don't know for sure.

The weather is another matter. There is a storm heading for St. Louis, expected to arrive Thursday or Friday of this week, with possible accumulating snow. The way the storm is tracking now, it appears that the snow would not extend very far south of St. Louis, so the drive from Tunica would probably be OK until you got close to St. Louis. Next week, so far, looks clear but cold.