Stacking chips


I was wondering how you guys like to stack your chips when you play blackjack and other games for that matter. I like to stack my chips in stacks of 20 because that's the most efficient way to see how many chips I have and what my balance is at the table for me. I know that some people would rather have one stack of 40 chips rather than two stacks of 20.
I think how someone stacks their chips matters because it shows how comfortable you are at the table. If you're stacking your chips in clean rows of 20 while riffling a 20 stack of chips on one hand then it's clear you have been playing for a while. Conversely, if you're stacking your chips in rows of 5 while clumsily fumbling with your chips when you handle them it shows that you're a less experienced player. do you stack your chips?

LV Bear

Not ultra-neatly, but generally in stacks of eight or twelve greens (depending on how many I have on the table) and stacks of five blacks, so I can easily manipulate the stacks as needed without appearing to carefully calculate my next bet. I don't want to bet odd amounts like, say $275, so there are no delays in paying blackjacks caused by dealer confusion, and I can avoid receiving red chips and coins. I also try to avoid receiving or coloring to purple chips or above if reasonably possible.
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Well-Known Member
Stacking them one or two different than what they expect can cause a misread when the Floor assesses your chip stack. Like LV Bear said having seemingly random stacks to grab at where you know exactly how many are there can make insurance bets look random when they are not. The same can be said for making bets. He touched on most of the reasons to size bets at certain amounts. If the Floor thinks you are just betting by hunches and making random insurance bets they are more likely to tolerate you. The trick is to give this appearance while knowing exactly how much you bet each time.


Active Member
Random stacks, and I don’t count my money while at the table. From the house’s point of view stacking your chips neatly shows you have experience. You want to show them you have the least amount of experience possible.


New Member
My chips are usually in an unorganized pile. I think it makes me look more like a ploppy. Plus if it's just a pile the eye in the sky has a harder time trying to access my winnings (or losings), I tend to rathole when I have the chance.