Stay and play at the El Cortez for free*


Well-Known Member
Not exactly free, but pretty damn close.
Book two nights and they give you half food credit, half free slot play for the cost of your room.
Book a regular room for $40 and you get $20 food credit and $20 free slot play.
Book a suite for $60 and get $25 food credit and $35 free play.
Amounts vary according to the rooms you choose and day of week.
Credits are per day, not per stay.


Well-Known Member
I would not feel comfortable staying at the Spaniard, since they back off so fast. I got offered a comp room there last time I played (even though I was unrated), since I managed to convince the pit boss I was an idiot degenerate gambler and I played there all night and made it appear that I lost hundreds. But I won't take up that offer, since I don't want to risk a back-off and then I'd have to pay for the room. I got a comped room from Harrahs and I won't get backed off there since I won't be playing blackjack there.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
I would not feel comfortable staying at the Spaniard, since they back off so fast. I got offered a comp room there last time I played (even though I was unrated), since I managed to convince the pit boss I was an idiot degenerate gambler and I played there all night and made it appear that I lost hundreds. But I won't take up that offer, since I don't want to risk a back-off and then I'd have to pay for the room. I got a comped room from Harrahs and I won't get backed off there since I won't be playing blackjack there.
You are already paying for the room. Its just they are giving you credits that equal the amount you paid. Not sure what you are trying to say.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
I would not feel comfortable staying at the Spaniard, since they back off so fast. I got offered a comp room there last time I played (even though I was unrated), since I managed to convince the pit boss I was an idiot degenerate gambler and I played there all night and made it appear that I lost hundreds. But I won't take up that offer, since I don't want to risk a back-off and then I'd have to pay for the room. I got a comped room from Harrahs and I won't get backed off there since I won't be playing blackjack there.
The simple solution is to never play where you stay. Just like in your Harrahs example.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
But I won't take up that offer, since I don't want to risk a back-off and then I'd have to pay for the room.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they can't make you pay for something they already comped you. Worst case scenario they just revoke your comp.