Active Member
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.
It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"
I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts
It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"
I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts