Strategies for keeping yourself off tilt


Active Member
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.

It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"

I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts


Dealer/Counter/ said:
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.

It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"

I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts
I think thank God he got a BJ and didn't hit out to 21. My insurance covered my losses.

You have to realize you are going to lose 30% of your sessions. If you are in one don't make it worse by trying to force something that isn't there.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
tthree said:
I think thank God he got a BJ and didn't hit out to 21. My insurance covered my losses.

You have to realize you are going to lose 30% of your sessions. If you are in one don't make it worse by trying to force something that isn't there.
Amen to that. I remember the week I flew all the way across country only to be dealt aces and 2's on almost every dd 11. There's no system for that.


Well-Known Member
or you have your max bet out, split aces only to get little cards and have the dealer make his hand...

or split 8's to get two 11's, double both of those and have the dealer draw to 21,

we've all been there, its hard to stay calm after that

generally I just try to tell myself, its only money, or I ask for food comps


Active Member
Bondy3 said:
or you have your max bet out, split aces only to get little cards and have the dealer make his hand...

or split 8's to get two 11's, double both of those and have the dealer draw to 21,

we've all been there, its hard to stay calm after that

generally I just try to tell myself, its only money, or I ask for food comps
Lol food comps, anyways yea if no profit after 5 or 6 hours, just call it a day


Well-Known Member
Dealer/Counter/ said:
Lol food comps, anyways yea if no profit after 5 or 6 hours, just call it a day
I would have quit being an AP a long time ago if I didnt get food comps, I know its not worth that much actual value, (1 or 2 units) but when im hungry it makes my day to be able to order whatever I want off the menu and have it be free, generally if I am playing with my girl we both get dinner at the casino, though there is one casino that we play at then go across the street to olive garden to eat, despite the fact that there are 5+ places to eat in the casino


Active Member
Bondy3 said:
I would have quit being an AP a long time ago if I didnt get food comps, I know its not worth that much actual value, (1 or 2 units) but when im hungry it makes my day to be able to order whatever I want off the menu and have it be free, generally if I am playing with my girl we both get dinner at the casino, though there is one casino that we play at then go across the street to olive garden to eat, despite the fact that there are 5+ places to eat in the casino
Tru dat ho

Yea food comps are the bomb!


Well-Known Member
There is only win or lose ! Also expect to have those 20 -30 and even 40 max bets losing sessions.if you play as if they are not gonna happen ,then you will be devastated when they happen!!!you will probably go on full tilt and start thinking to over-bet to chase back,discipline and go out of the window!!!I think ,it is best to play at your comfort zone,something that you can handle losing emotionally .

Dealer/Counter/ said:
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.

It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"

I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts
In a casino environ there is usually alot more + plays than just BJ, one has to become acquainted with these plays as they will for sure give you a strong game plan for those times when you are on the verge of going on BJ tilt.

The easiest way to avoid tilt is to just get up and walk away, get a bite, grab your gal and go to the hotel room and have wild sex,:cool:, or take a walk outside.

Tilt is deadly and must be avoided like bad Mexican food:laugh:

Psychology of the game is often vastly overlooked. Discipline is key.:)

Its been a long time since I have gone off tilt. I lately take the necessary breaks to regather myself and re-sativa if I have it even if I have been watching 10 shoes and not played one hand if I do feel myself slipping.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
easy fix, listen to the voices

Dealer/Counter/ said:
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.

It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"

I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts
Don't play all:confused:


Well-Known Member

Dealer/Counter/ said:
As AP's sometimes we have those sessions where we count shoe after shoe with no juicy count to raise our bet. And finally the end of the shoe comes with a true count of +6 and u push out max bet. Then bad variance smacks you in the face with dealer BJ against your 3 hands of 20s. Then 10 more shoes come with the count never going above 3.

It's been 5 hours and you're starting to go on tilt, but you know you have to stick with it. What strategies do you do to ease your mind? I usually just keep telling myself over and over, "keep your emotions under control"

I'm curious to what you guys do, share your thoughts
I would try and give advice, but my name says it all :laugh:

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
good grief not again

If you bet a conservative Kelly fraction your tilt may not cripple your bank. Though it will damage N0 due to unequal betting


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
If you bet a conservative Kelly fraction your tilt may not cripple your bank. Though it will damage N0 due to unequal betting
No. This is not a good thing to analyze. Just don't go on tilt ever.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
If you bet a conservative Kelly fraction your tilt may not cripple your bank. Though it will damage N0 due to unequal betting
yes it does, the one time I went on Tilt I ended up loosing 480 units in 4 hands when normally I spread 1-10, my N0 got ruined :(

but you gota learn not to go on tilt somehow, and the best way to learn is by doing, and I did it.

now Im good at catching myself before I tilt :)


Active Member
Bondy3 said:
yes it does, the one time I went on Tilt I ended up loosing 480 units in 4 hands when normally I spread 1-10, my N0 got ruined :(

but you gota learn not to go on tilt somehow, and the best way to learn is by doing, and I did it.

now Im good at catching myself before I tilt :)
Deep breaths, wooooooosa


Well-Known Member
If you are subject to "steaming" following unlucky episodes then you need another hobby. Sorry, but "the truth will out."


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
If you are subject to "steaming" following unlucky episodes then you need another hobby. Sorry, but "the truth will out."
Exactly. Tilt is just something you can never, ever do in card counting.


Well-Known Member
stopgambling said:
There is only win or lose ! Also expect to have those 20 -30 and even 40 max bets losing sessions.if you play as if they are not gonna happen ,then you will be devastated when they happen!!!you will probably go on full tilt and start thinking to over-bet to chase back,discipline and go out of the window!!!I think ,it is best to play at your comfort zone,something that you can handle losing emotionally .
Very wise! Much better to stay within your tolerances. If it becomes too emotional then you are overbetting and playing with money you're not willing to lose.