Streaking in Colorado?


New Member
Hi all, n00b to the forum here.
A little about myself, I am mainly a No Limit Hold Em player. I play online everyday and do pretty good. My problem is my in-laws come visit every couple of months and want to go to Blackhawk where we have a 5$ max bet. This screws me as a poker player because I can't gear down to play limit hold em. I don't want to throw my money away on slots, so this leaves me with blackjack.

What are your thoughts about counting and streaking? Being as I can't increase my bet here, I suppose my only option would be to spread the table when the deck gets hot. Now suppose instead of spreading, I streak.
We have the option of streaking 2,3,4, or 5 times. The 4 or 5 seems very unlikely to do, but if the count is good why not try the 2 and 3 both?
2 plays 3:1 and 3 streaks pays 7:1 I believe. So if I played 2 and 3 and won 3 straight I would make 15$ on the 2 and $35 on the 3.

What kind of count would I want to begin my streak?
Is this a bad idea?
I searched the forums and didn't see anything much about this.
Thanks. (and no I didn't go see 21 this weekend, this has been on my mind for awhile)


Well-Known Member
Acehole said:
Hi all, n00b to the forum here.
A little about myself, I am mainly a No Limit Hold Em player. I
Blackhawk where we have a 5$ max bet.
This screws me as a poker player because I can't gear down to play limit hold em.
so this leaves me with blackjack.QUOTE]

Um as a semi pro in poker I would go on to say play limit holdem. play the $1-5 spread limit holdem. You say you play online and do farily well right then you should practice limit holdem its crucial to learn anyways when you move on to HORSE. I play at full tilt and pokerstars and have for years. Both offer low limit tables to practice on. last time I played on a $1-5 spread I made a lot of $$ because I didnt play all but 1/35 hands dealt and stuck to a very strick hand selection. ( id be more than glad to send you a chart that ive used for like 3 years that has brought me success in low limit holdem.

If not then you will need to master BS for blackjack if your saying you cant increase your bet ?
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Well-Known Member
The streak bet is not a practical way to make money. It is very rarely a good bet even when the count is sky high. Unless you can travel to a better casino (or are happy with a $4-$8 per hour profit) don't bother with BJ in CO.


P.S. - I like your handle Acehole.
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Well-Known Member
Acehole said:
Hi all, n00b to the forum here.
A little about myself, I am mainly a No Limit Hold Em player. I play online everyday and do pretty good. My problem is my in-laws come visit every couple of months and want to go to Blackhawk where we have a 5$ max bet. This screws me as a poker player because I can't gear down to play limit hold em. I don't want to throw my money away on slots, so this leaves me with blackjack.

What are your thoughts about counting and streaking? Being as I can't increase my bet here, I suppose my only option would be to spread the table when the deck gets hot. Now suppose instead of spreading, I streak.
We have the option of streaking 2,3,4, or 5 times. The 4 or 5 seems very unlikely to do, but if the count is good why not try the 2 and 3 both?
2 plays 3:1 and 3 streaks pays 7:1 I believe. So if I played 2 and 3 and won 3 straight I would make 15$ on the 2 and $35 on the 3.

What kind of count would I want to begin my streak?
Is this a bad idea?
I searched the forums and didn't see anything much about this.
Thanks. (and no I didn't go see 21 this weekend, this has been on my mind for awhile)
The players here by and large are against any form of streaking because you can never determine scientifically when a streak in beginning. I'm know the house is favored to win "more" hands no matter where the count is, but what I don't know is whether the house is expected to win the same number of hands in negative counts as they are in positive counts. My guess is that they win more hands in negative counts because they can make hands easier when they must draw, but that's just a guess based on remarks I've heard here and there. I suppose this is just as sim-able as any other factor--hands won above 0 vs. hands won below 0. So you "might" have a better chance for a streak above 0, but the dealer still more likely to win more hands and therefore more likely to break up any streaks. lol double talk almost. I see why nobody thinks much of streaking.


New Member
RenoRenagade said:
Acehole said:
Hi all, n00b to the forum here.
A little about myself, I am mainly a No Limit Hold Em player. I
Blackhawk where we have a 5$ max bet.
This screws me as a poker player because I can't gear down to play limit hold em.
so this leaves me with blackjack.QUOTE]

Um as a semi pro in poker I would go on to say play limit holdem. play the $1-5 spread limit holdem. You say you play online and do farily well right then you should practice limit holdem its crucial to learn anyways when you move on to HORSE. I play at full tilt and pokerstars and have for years. Both offer low limit tables to practice on. last time I played on a $1-5 spread I made a lot of $$ because I didnt play all but 1/35 hands dealt and stuck to a very strick hand selection. ( id be more than glad to send you a chart that ive used for like 3 years that has brought me success in low limit holdem.

If not then you will need to master BS for blackjack if your saying you cant increase your bet ?
Thanks for the feedback Reno.
The limit poker is either a 2$-4$ or 2$-5$ game. I guess I could play tight as a drum and be ok there, but the players are a bunch of river rats. I get really pissed when my set of kings gets cracked at the river by some bizarre gutshot. I really should work on my limit game, but my biggest strength as a NL player is if somebody wants to draw on me they are going to pay and pay a lot. I would love to see your chart also that would help a lot.:) I am good with BS, it's just most casinos there are 5$ min and max on blackjack. There used to be a couple that were 2$-5$, but I haven't seen that game anywhere recently. Thanks


Well-Known Member
No problem .

In limit hands like KK are not as powerfull as you might think . Since its cheap to draw in limit by the ther stakes you listed . people will outdraw your KK more often than you think. AA and KK are played fast RR and bet it strong and make them pay to hit thier flush or straight draws.

I have found over years of practice and experience that hands with duel power like TJs ( suited connectors ) which is a great hand to get a flush and st8 draw with as well as 2 pair are the most profitable in lmit .

A)Any position:

99 88 77
66 55 44 33 22

B)postion 1/2/7/8/9
Suited K QJT9
Suited Q JT9
Suited J T9
Suited T 9

C)position 1/2/8/9
Suited A 6/7/8/9

Other ok playable hands.

This is the more expanded chart . Its simple pocket pairs and suited connectors. hands are ranked ABC to understand when to play them . BC) hands need to be played in blinds or in postition. A) hands are good limp hands. You need to treat AA like 22 . High PP in limit are very very fragile. You can be outdrawn by someone with top pair who hits his 2 pair or Flush and St8 draws . The big hands are to be played with extreme max aggression.

Well hope that helps.

My only problem with limit is the dam over tipper . Nothing worst than someone tipping 2$ when winning a less than 10$ pot.
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Well-Known Member
RenoRenagade said:
No problem .

In limit hands like KK are not as powerfull as you might think .
If by not as powerful you mean the 2nd most profitable hand behind AA, then yes, KK isn't that powerful.


Well-Known Member
sabre said:
If by not as powerful you mean the 2nd most profitable hand behind AA, then yes, KK isn't that powerful.

Im guessing you have never played on a low ball limit poker table . Stakes 3/6 ( even on a 4/8 sometimes ) or less or 1-5 spread.

Avg players to a flop is 3-6 even after a raise pre flop ( and I find the avg of players to be 5), assuming you are playing on a 9/10player table . even on a balanced table of 1 maniac 4 loose 4 selective and 1 rock. but these balnced tables dont come around to often.

The hand is the 2nd best STARTING HAND as shown in my graph As it will always be since its +EV is 2nd best .
25% of the time you lose to A/X
and about 20% to draws ( flush/St8 )

After about 1000+ hours of playing limit I found it to win about 65% of the time. or 6-7/10 times.

Im limit some hands gain more +EV to make them more playable and profitable. After 1000+ hours hands like TJs wins less than KK as it always will but the pots TJs*this is just an example hand* wins will be more than what KK wins. Both make profit. KK more often and TJs MORE $ ( all of this is also based over time ). And this on the limits he posted.

Things change the bigger the limits get . Skill changes , Hand selection changes. most tables are 2 loose and the rest rock and selective. STAKES 5/10$-20/40$+
NOW KK is better and more profitable since you dont have to take into account A/rag and bad players. And the price for drawing goes up.

As I posted about KK: its 2nd in my chart for a reason cuz its the 2nd best starting hand and the 2nd best EV and in any holdem game it always will be . I also said you need to play it quick and make all draws pay .

its like a small ball player against a big ball player in NLHM.

You give a small ball player 7/8o and big ball KK . and the flop comes
5/6/Q rainbow then sparks are going to fly. The only differnce is the KK can make you pay HIGHLY * ALL IN COME TO MIND * to draw with your 65/35 situation . assuming the KK matches the suit of the 7/8o.
In limit at those stakes its 2$ to draw to the 1/3 chance of making the straight and 4$ for a 1/5 and as you can see I didnt even put it against a Flush draw cuz the odds are worse for the KK and even worse if the flush draw is a nuts draw or if the turn brings a 7or8 since then its a 70/30 going to the river. See why KK loses its power. Still the 2nd best hand but its not as powerfull ( still 2nd best EV ) as people make it out to be and you need to play it with extreme caution and extremely aggresive.

I guess just over the years ive seen people lose to much with KK and QQ than any other hand in low lmit due to not playing them correctly.

and this guy said he isnt familiar enough with lmit so Im trying to save him losing his $$ through my costly experience.

I mean this is a blackjack forum and someone like me who only has 5 months experience with blackjack is going to ask questions and I would like someone with experience to help me out. But I have years of poker experience and can give valuable advice in that area.

I mean you can look at KK like a high count in BJ odds are in your favor everytime but sometimes the dealer get the 20 and you get the hard 16.

So sabre you are correct on it being the 2nd more profitable in the fact its the hand that wins the 2nd most amount of time . But rarely the pots it wins are huge . While other staring hands win bigger pots .

but hey profit is profit who cares how you get it .

hope that helps to clear up what I was trying to say.
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New Member
Thanks to all who replied, I suppose I will give up on this thought and stick with poker. Thanks Reno for the advice with limit poker, I am definatly going to work on my limit game. I have been improving in 5CD and stud so I will tackle limit next. Best of luck to all. :grin: