Streaks, LOL


Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
They also show, in theory, if you put enough chimps behind enough typewriters, keep 'em fed and watered and let 'em rattle away, they'll eventually replicate the complete works of Shakespeare. There are people who have been hit by lightening twice, and 40 Std Dev occurances do happen.

But because someone turning $250 into quarter of a million is so rare, and unusual, Newb99
Well, monkeys typing Shakespeare does not involve a HA. It's just a rare event. If it's supposed to happen 1 every trillion trillion times and does happen once in a trillion trillion tries, it's completely expected.

If it happens 10 times in a row, the monkeys have learned to read and type.

I'll go out on a limb and say 40 SD events don't happen lol.

A guy could turn 250 into 250000 in just 10 coin tosses doubling each time? That's not even rare.

I know what you're saying - just having fun lol.

You have $5K at a $5 single-zero roulette table with a goal of winning $2500 with no time limit. How will you bet it? If you had a time limit? If your goal was only to win $50 with or without time limit?

Goals, rolls and time.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
I'll go out on a limb and say 40 SD events don't happen lol.
I wouldn't, but they'll be so rare they're completely unpredictable. Don't know what 40 Std Devs works out to in odds (1:xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx ?). Think of all of the people who live on this planet, and the number who randomly (not hereditarily) are struck down with the most rarest of medical conditions for which no medical explanation can be given.

So, which do you reckon? Red or Black??



Well-Known Member
10 consecutive chimps and a typo

Kasi said:
Well, monkeys typing Shakespeare does not involve a HA. It's just a rare event. If it's supposed to happen 1 every trillion trillion times and does happen once in a trillion trillion tries, it's completely expected.

If it happens 10 times in a row, the monkeys have learned to read and type.

I'll go out on a limb and say 40 SD events don't happen lol.

A guy could turn 250 into 250000 in just 10 coin tosses doubling each time? That's not even rare.

I know what you're saying - just having fun lol.

You have $5K at a $5 single-zero roulette table with a goal of winning $2500 with no time limit. How will you bet it? If you had a time limit? If your goal was only to win $50 with or without time limit?

Goals, rolls and time.
Newb and Kasi, you guys are messing with a load of monkey business if you ask me. Best of luck finding 3,500 chimps, keeping them sitting chained at their typewriters tapping away forever, and cleaning up all their crap, constantly. Some weird stuff comes down here, don't it! Ol Shakers is in no danger of his works being duplicated by an army of monkeys, I'd bet my last banana on it...

K, so it's not even rare somebody turning $250 into a quarter mill in just 10 coin tosses, doubling each time, you say.

Is that so? Where, exactly is this coin-tossing casino game? I recall Australian casinos used to throw coins up in some game they used to have. Maybe kangaroos like it! But I doubt your example applied there, seeing that the final double would mean the kangaroo placing $125,000 and the house limit I suspect would have been far less than that...So where is this fantasmagorical coin game of yours?

Same goes for baccarat tables I've seen. Highest limit I saw, outside a HR room, is $75,000. Roulette, even smaller limits. But I generally focus on the game of my choice, blackjack. So it doesn't usually occurr to me to go looking elsewhere; except lately, I have been playing roulette sometimes. And if I can consistently be financially in front at that game - by at least $200 - for every two out of three sessions, I say I have reversed the HE, and I now own it!


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
. . And if I can consistently be financially in front at that game - by at least $200 - for every two out of three sessions, I say I have reversed the HE, and I now own it!
Well, you might say that but in actual fact you haven't. What you've done is walked away with more than you started with. Big difference. You haven't changed the game in anyway. Now if you were to take a chisel to the wheel . . .

Stay lucky.


Well-Known Member
CSM article

Newb99, That's a well-constructed, well-written post there. You are a good role-model! I noticed your spelling of 'favour' instead of the American, 'favor'. Usually UK and/or Aussies spell it like that. Not that I care where you originate from. What difference would it make? We are all earthlings, trying to get our own house edge...

Re your planned study, Bill Zender wrote a good article on CSM's; you can see it on The Catwalk. It may help.

Now if someone believes he has found a way of say, winning an average of 3.5 units, clear BJ profit for every shoe he plays, I am sure he could not give a rat's if someone else believes he still hasn't conquered the house edge. If he gets the cash, could he care? Now that, in my book, would be clear evidence that he has turned the house edge in his favor. What else would you need for convincing, a note from the pit or something?


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
. . .Now if someone believes he has found a way of say, winning an average of 3.5 units, clear BJ profit for every shoe he plays, I am sure he could not give a rat's if someone else believes he still hasn't conquered the house edge. . .
That's achievable applying AP techniques and because in blackjack what's gone before influences what's to come. The game has a floating edge, and although over time it will be in favour of the house, a lot of the time it moves in favour of the player. Applying AP techniques does allow one to know when the floating edge moves in the player's favour (counting) and to influence it (shuffle tracking). In roulette, the edge is fixed and is never in the player's favour.

Most players who win at games of chance probably can't give a rat's arse as to why it's happened. But the downside is if that person doesn't understand that it's variation/luck (call it what you will) that has filled their pockets, and believe it to be the result of something they've done, they will set themselves up for a fall at some stage. The maths dictate if they continue playing that it will eventually happen - the only question is when?


Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
I wouldn't, but they'll be so rare they're completely unpredictable. Don't know what 40 Std Devs works out to in odds (1:xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx ?). Think of all of the people who live on this planet, and the number who randomly (not hereditarily) are struck down with the most rarest of medical conditions for which no medical explanation can be given.
I think it would be more like think of every person who ever lived on this planet or will ever live before it turns into an iceball and then multiply that a few times :)


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
except lately, I have been playing roulette sometimes. And if I can consistently be financially in front at that game - by at least $200 - for every two out of three sessions, I say I have reversed the HE, and I now own it!
Is your roulette system a big secret? Can you post it?

If it's simple enough, thought maybe I'd run it by a few thousand random spins.


Well-Known Member
10 consecutive chimps in a row is a lot!

Kasi said:
Is your roulette system a big secret? Can you post it?

If it's simple enough, thought maybe I'd run it by a few thousand random spins.
Hey Kasi, it ain't simple enough! It takes work. I sit here, right now, looking at the 13 pages I downloaded for free. It's stuff I never saw anywhere else. I don't think your blase 'run it by a few thousand spins' is gonna work with that attitude. You would need to understand exactly what you are feeding into your program, why, and know how best to do that. I don't. But I can win with it. But I think you may notice the undeniable math there.
You'll find it if you google Ion Saliu. Look around his site and you will eventually find it, then download it. Then, study it. Your very own uncommon sense should then tell you something.
THEN feed it in. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Maths dictate beliefs

newb99 said:
That's achievable applying AP techniques and because in blackjack what's gone before influences what's to come. The game has a floating edge, and although over time it will be in favour of the house, a lot of the time it moves in favour of the player. Applying AP techniques does allow one to know when the floating edge moves in the player's favour (counting) and to influence it (shuffle tracking). In roulette, the edge is fixed and is never in the player's favour.

Most players who win at games of chance probably can't give a rat's arse as to why it's happened. But the downside is if that person doesn't understand that it's variation/luck (call it what you will) that has filled their pockets, and believe it to be the result of something they've done, they will set themselves up for a fall at some stage. The maths dictate if they continue playing that it will eventually happen - the only question is when?

Well said, Newb2009, all those BJ authors and other 'experts' out there - of which there are... a vast army, would be proud of you! You've learned the script very well indeed. It sounds like you actually believe it, and toe the Party Line.
You might consider the fate of the Party and its Line after the Berlin Wall came crashing down. For something a little more up to date, check out a controversial, renegade view right here, on variance. Aslan's brief post yesterday, near the end of Sagefrog's long 'Luck' thread, may yet see him burned at the stake as The Party's heretic, if they so vote. And you? How vote you?


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
You would need to understand... why, But I think you may notice the undeniable math there.
You'll find it if you google Ion Saliu. Look around his site and you will eventually find it, then download it. Then, study it. Your very own uncommon sense should then tell you something.
THEN feed it in. Good luck.
Why must I know why? I just need to know a set of betting rules.
But, yeah, I see your point, 13 pages is pretty funny.
I'm sure it does take work to apply it when it's that long.
Stands to reason - after all it just can't be that easy to turn a -EV game into a +EV one.
If you ever do lose, I'm sure it's because you didn't apply the system properly.
If I did download it, do you think we would play the same 1000 spins the exact same way or is alot open to "interpretation"? lmao.

If you want to practice it yourself, since it's so complicated, I don't have a program - just the random results of 1000's of spins of a single-zero roulette game I could send you.


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
K, so it's not even rare somebody turning $250 into a quarter mill in just 10 coin tosses, doubling each time, you say.
It's just an example intended to convey 1 in a 1000+ people could do it which I don't call rare.

It wouldn't change much for baccarat or any game that's almost 50-50.

So, switch to a high-roller room for the last bet.

Basically, just becasue one reads that this happened doesn't necessarily make it rare.

Now flat-betting $1/hd in BJ with $250 and turning it into $250,000 would be rare.


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
. . . You've learned the script very well indeed. It sounds like you actually believe it, and toe the Party Line. . .
Not a party line. Just maths. The same maths that dictate that an area of a square can be determined by measuring one side and multiplying this figure against itself. I wouldn't need to hire a theodolite to survey a square shaped piece of land, or a surveyor or study survey techniques in order to determine it's area - just pace out one length and apply the maths (which are proven and unarguable).

If you're going to argue that the maths are wrong, and cite a gambling system as proof, you're definitely operating in the twilight zone. I've no animosity towards you, and hope you carry on winning. If you believe this system is infallable and the reason that you consistently win a -EV game that's fine by me too. For most, responsible gaming is about an enjoyable experience almost irrespective of whether one wins or loses. If applying the 13 pages you refer to enhances yours at the table I'm not going to knock it.
But it ain't about the party line of the maths . . .




Well-Known Member
Twilight Zone denizen

newb99 said:
Not a party line. Just maths. The same maths that dictate that an area of a square can be determined by measuring one side and multiplying this figure against itself. I wouldn't need to hire a theodolite to survey a square shaped piece of land, or a surveyor or study survey techniques in order to determine it's area - just pace out one length and apply the maths (which are proven and unarguable).

If you're going to argue that the maths are wrong, and cite a gambling system as proof, you're definitely operating in the twilight zone. I've no animosity towards you, and hope you carry on winning. If you believe this system is infallable and the reason that you consistently win a -EV game that's fine by me too. For most, responsible gaming is about an enjoyable experience almost irrespective of whether one wins or loses. If applying the 13 pages you refer to enhances yours at the table I'm not going to knock it.
But it ain't about the party line of the maths . . .

Newb, Noooope. I ain't ever arguing - from the twilight zone - that the maths are wrong. Just that they may not be the be-all and end-all of gambling. Too many geeks and Gurus have already devoted their lives to say "it is so." And I don't believe any system is infallible. But I think a few may be able to go reasonably, relatively close, and relatively consistently. As for having an enjoyable gambling experience, irrespective of whether one wins or loses; leave me out of that one. Who actually enjoys losing, unless he/she is a seriously disturbed masochist?

This quote demonstrates my position:
"Mathematics are a good servant to the player but a bad master."
Hubert Phillips 1960

Did you google The Catwalk, and did you feed the chimps?



Well-Known Member
Lucky 13

Kasi said:
Why must I know why? I just need to know a set of betting rules.
But, yeah, I see your point, 13 pages is pretty funny.
I'm sure it does take work to apply it when it's that long.
Stands to reason - after all it just can't be that easy to turn a -EV game into a +EV one.
If you ever do lose, I'm sure it's because you didn't apply the system properly.
If I did download it, do you think we would play the same 1000 spins the exact same way or is alot open to "interpretation"? lmao.

If you want to practice it yourself, since it's so complicated, I don't have a program - just the random results of 1000's of spins of a single-zero roulette game I could send you.
K, Thanks for your kind offer, but no thanks. I am pretty much over the research thing for a decent while. Hey, I do lose, one of three Rsessions. And you can download the system into print, without downloading the actual program. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Hey Kasi, it ain't simple enough!..You would need to understand exactly what you are feeding into your program, why, and know how best to do that. I don't.
That seems to be the trend. The only people who believe in Saliu’s systems are the people who don’t understand them. I’m sure you’ll be able to see his mistakes once you read the material carefully and start to understand why his claims are false. Don’t get discouraged. Keep reading and keep studying. Eventually you’ll be able to see the flaws that everyone else can see.

In the meantime, I can’t allow a known troll from other websites to continue posting here. In 39 posts you have done nothing more than repost Saliu’s original article (that I had already reposted) and made demeaning comments to our members. You have not posted any relevant information and you admit that you don’t even understand his systems. It’s obvious that you don’t have anything to contribute and that your comments are not constructive. In order to keep this discussion productive I will have to remove any more posts from you. I will leave the threads open so that other members can continue the discussion. I made these terms very clear when you first arrived:

“If any current members wish to discuss Saliu’s systems they are welcome to start a new thread in this forum. Only legitimate posts from currently active members will be permitted. [Active 11/2/08] I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. For a glimpse into the mind of the man himself (and his incredible claims), check out his personal website. It would be more appropriate to discuss his systems directly with him on his website.

I am more than happy to discuss his theories on this website, but only in an appropriate and constructive way.”


standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
I think it would be more like think of every person who ever lived on this planet or will ever live before it turns into an iceball and then multiply that a few times :)
Ok sure think of it that way but what happens when it does turn into a big iceball and multiply that by a few times??? thats a roulette betting system lol!!!!

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
That seems to be the trend. The only people who believe in Saliu’s systems are the people who don’t understand them. I’m sure you’ll be able to see his mistakes once you read the material carefully and start to understand why his claims are false. Don’t get discouraged. Keep reading and keep studying. Eventually you’ll be able to see the flaws that everyone else can see.

In the meantime, I can’t allow a known troll from other websites to continue posting here. In 39 posts you have done nothing more than repost Saliu’s original article (that I had already reposted) and made demeaning comments to our members. You have not posted any relevant information and you admit that you don’t even understand his systems. It’s obvious that you don’t have anything to contribute and that your comments are not constructive. In order to keep this discussion productive I will have to remove any more posts from you. I will leave the threads open so that other members can continue the discussion. I made these terms very clear when you first arrived:

“If any current members wish to discuss Saliu’s systems they are welcome to start a new thread in this forum. Only legitimate posts from currently active members will be permitted. [Active 11/2/08] I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. For a glimpse into the mind of the man himself (and his incredible claims), check out his personal website. It would be more appropriate to discuss his systems directly with him on his website.

I am more than happy to discuss his theories on this website, but only in an appropriate and constructive way.”

Oh sorry sonny i didnt see this post or the banned under his name.


Well-Known Member
standard toaster said:
Ok sure think of it that way but what happens when it does turn into a big iceball and multiply that by a few times??? thats a roulette betting system lol!!!!
Thanks - I think I will continue to think of that way if that's all right with you just because when it does turn into a big iceball and multiply that by a few times??? thats also exactly the same chances for an AP betting system to have a 40 SD resultlol!!!!

You get it?