Stupid as stupid does


Well-Known Member
Just got back from a cruise. Lord! saw a double down on A-6 with dealer 10 up card. Some were splitting any pair no matter what dealer's up card was. A lady had no clue how to play told me to hit my 16 against dealer 6 . A guy was winning ,but had no idea how to play, hit anything 16 or below no matter what deale's up card was & started asking other players to tip the dealer BIG SHOT!. A guy in his 30s came to the crap table with $5 .When his turn came to rolls the dice ,he wanted to know what to do,which was ok. Then plain stupid set in . He finally picked up the dice with both hands>D ,no,no put the dice down. picks dice up again turn to talk to a friend> D NO NO put the dice down ,picks up the dice & switched hands NO ! NO! put the dice down. This went on 4 more times . He made a point & crapped out ,but wanted his money back because a 7 is a winner.


Not bad, but I"ve seen worst

Albeit it was by the same guy twice (we call him colonel Schulz), but he has doubled hard 16 against dealer Ace, then later with a ten showing!