Active Member
I've run some sims to get my index numbers for Zen, where I round to the nearest TC, and I ran "regular" (maximizing EV) and also RA (Risk Averse), and mostly the index plays are similar, but here's one that's vastly different:
88 v 9 with "regular" index is surrender at +2 for shoe (0 for single deck). For the Risk Averse index, it's +23. A super huge difference. I can't figure out why they are so different (other than I'm doing something stupid with the simulations). The index for splitting is to always split, so if the player doesn't surrender the 8,8, then by default it is a split hand.
88 v 9 with "regular" index is surrender at +2 for shoe (0 for single deck). For the Risk Averse index, it's +23. A super huge difference. I can't figure out why they are so different (other than I'm doing something stupid with the simulations). The index for splitting is to always split, so if the player doesn't surrender the 8,8, then by default it is a split hand.