Surrender loses 0.4 bet in stead of half bet



In my local casino, it only takes 0.4 bet instead of half bet when surrender (Late Surrender). Which is, I bet 5 dollars, when I surrender, the house only takes 2 dollars instead of 2.5 dollars. Unfortunately, it only applies to minimum bet, which is 5 dollar. I think maybe the house feels it's too troublesome to change for the 50 cents.

The rule is DAS, DOA, RSA, Split up to 4 hands, S17, 6 Deck, Late Surrender.

I've revised the BS as follows,

17 vs 9, T, A
16 vs 7, 8, 9, T, A
15 vs 8, 9, T, A
14 vs 9, T, A,
13 vs T
88 vs 9, T
77 vs 9, T, A

I'd appreciate if anyone could check it and if possible, let me know the house edge, thanks.


Well-Known Member
The casino handles fifty cents when you win with a BJ, but doesn't bother when you surrender? That makes little sense.
BJ does pay $7.50 on a $5 bet, no?


Well-Known Member
Your list looks pretty good. If you take everything worse than -40% EV on this chart you get the following:

13 v. 10
14 v. 9,10,A
15 v. 8,9,10,A
16 v. 7,8,9,10,A
17 v. 9,10,A
88 v. 10

The only difference you have is Surrender 88 v. 9 which is pretty close. The chart is an infinite deck approximation and gives -38.7%, so you might be right if you have the correct EV for 6 decks.


shadroch said:
The casino handles fifty cents when you win with a BJ, but doesn't bother when you surrender? That makes little sense.
BJ does pay $7.50 on a $5 bet, no?
The house pays 1.6 bet for BJ instead of 1.5, which is 8 dollars when the player bet minimum, 5 dollars. Sorry I didn't mention it.


Well-Known Member
San said:
The house pays 1.6 bet for BJ instead of 1.5, which is 8 dollars when the player bet minimum, 5 dollars. Sorry I didn't mention it.
My CA handles that too.


You should have an edge (almost .2%) over the house flat betting $5 with just the extra for a blackjack. The added surrender value should really give you a nice edge. Anyone want to put in what the player edge is for $5 blackjack pays 8:5, late surrender loses 40% of your wager, 6 deck, DAS, DOA, RSA split to 4 hands? Who needs wonging when you have these rules for your minimum bet.


Well-Known Member
you probably have around like a 1% edge or so.

Play the whole table at 6 spots of 5 bucks, you'll make 30 cents a hand. At around 100 hands an hour you can grind out a $30 profit an hour :laugh:

Funny thing is this play is actually better then some of the crap I see some loser "APs" trying to do.


pit15 said:
you probably have around like a 1% edge or so.

Play the whole table at 6 spots of 5 bucks, you'll make 30 cents a hand. At around 100 hands an hour you can grind out a $30 profit an hour :laugh:

Funny thing is this play is actually better then some of the crap I see some loser "APs" trying to do.
The house only allows a player to play two spots. In other words, I can probably grind out $10 per hour. Not bad for a moonlighting job:laugh: