Tahoe Biltmore?


Have any of you had any experience with the BJ game at the Biltmore? I'm looking to visit the area in June...have any suggestions?:cool2:


Lakeside Inn

I read that the Lakeside Inn in S. Lake Tahoe also has a 1D BJ w/ good pen can anyone verify?
I have been playing at Cache Creek 1D Fair Pen, BJ pays 3-2 and had good luck playing basic strategy .


mvi222 said:
I read that the Lakeside Inn in S. Lake Tahoe also has a 1D BJ w/ good pen can anyone verify?
I have been playing at Cache Creek 1D Fair Pen, BJ pays 3-2 and had good luck playing basic strategy .
I can't comment on the Biltmore, but here is a play I put down at Lakesie a few years ago. zg(king of neophytes)


You pulled off a Grifter Gambit play at the Lakeside in Tahoe.
That play is especially revealing as to the camouflage afforded by consolidation betting.

Yes. The small Lakeside Lodge had the best rules in Lake Tahoe in 2000 – a one deck game with
double after split. The challenge was that being the best game in Tahoe, and a small joint to boot,
The Lakeside gives tremendous scrutiny to large and/or unusual players.

I sat down at a $3 table - the only table open - with three other nickel players and bet 1-5 quarters
in a non-count related progression for about 10 minutes, and then I asked the dealer if he thought
the house would give me a quarter game. He called the pit manager, 'Augie,' over who warmly
invited me to wait 10 minutes and they'd give me a game.

On my first hand at my $25 table I spread to three hands of $25, and the dealer informed me that
"three hands require five times the minimum” - $125 each. I looked at Augie and he shrugged and
said "three times $75 each - for him," at which I mock hesitated then increased to three hands of
$75 and proceeded to lose all three hands and including a double-down. The count being slightly
negative, I frowned at Augie and put out three bets of $75 and won all three. The count tanked
further south and I increased my bets to three bets of $100, and I won again.

Now I was 'in like Flynn' - when the count was negative I would bet three times $75-$100, when
the count was positive I would bet one hand of $300-$500, which was the house limit. About 15
minutes into the play a female approached and bet a single quarter - I frowned at the manager and
reduced my bet to two hands of $50. She played a couple more hands and wandered off as Augie
put a 'reserved' sign at my table and glowingly invited me to “... place any size bet per three hands,
you now have a private game!"

Now my bets ranged from a low of three times $25 to a max of one hand of $500 or two bets of
$375 or three times $300. In 45 minutes I was ahead $6000, at which point Augie came behind
me and said, "I have bad news," and I'm thinking he's going to bar me. But instead he informs me
that "upstairs has decided that you gotta bet $125 each at three hands.”

Oh well "sucking me in" I replied wistfully, he says "sorry."
So now I shift my betting to three times $125 in negative counts and one hand of $500 in positive
counts – winning three rounds of three times $125 in amazing succession. I happily call out to Augie,
"its working, thanks!"

Exactly 60 minutes into the play I’m up $10k when Augie taps my shoulder and informs me that
"we decline your further play." Smiling I wave half of my winnings in the form of ten $500 chips
and taunt, "don’t you guys wanna to try to win half of it back?" "No!" The romance was over.

I managed to get a comped lunch from Augie before cashing out, the two remaining tables had a
total 5 nickel players as I departed.



Well-Known Member
mvi222 said:
I read that the Lakeside Inn in S. Lake Tahoe also has a 1D BJ w/ good pen can anyone verify?
I have been playing at Cache Creek 1D Fair Pen, BJ pays 3-2 and had good luck playing basic strategy .
i have been going to cashe creek on and off for 4 years. there single deck game is 6/5 bj with lousey pen. they raerly even deal out rule of 6. When was the last time you were there?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Biltmore game

Played there for a week over Cristmas/New Year. They had a great DD game $5/10 min. with DAS, DOA 80% pen. But that was then. I believe one of our members updated the board that they had discontinued the good rules and went back to D10/ no DAS. Worth checking out though ,and you can always go across the street to the Crystal Bay and find out if the games there are still playable.


Well-Known Member
Tahoe Biltmore's deal!

The Tahoe Biltmore had great rules for about 3 months than discontinued them and have the worst rules now. Come across the street to CBC on single deck I have seen the dealer deal down to the last 10 cards of the deck.
The Tahoe Biltmore does however have a great deal on food theres no dening that at the Cafe Biltmoe. They have a $5.95 prime rib special that includes salad and baked potato and it is really good. They also have 3 eggs, hash browns, toast, suasge or bacon for $1.99. Both items not on the menu you have to special request them.


re:Cache Creek

nc-tom said:
i have been going to cashe creek on and off for 4 years. there single deck game is 6/5 bj with lousey pen. they raerly even deal out rule of 6. When was the last time you were there?
My last trip was around mid March.


Cache Creek

zengrifter said:
Where is Cache Creek? zg
I don't know where you are, but if you take 80E out of the San Francisco Bay area and exit on 505 head north and head for Brooks. Check out the Cache Creek website. They have a 1D game, BJ =3-2, DD on 10 &11 no resplit
Nice place.


Just returned from the Biltmore

Cardcounter said:
The Tahoe Biltmore had great rules for about 3 months than discontinued them and have the worst rules now. Come across the street to CBC on single deck I have seen the dealer deal down to the last 10 cards of the deck.
The Tahoe Biltmore does however have a great deal on food theres no dening that at the Cafe Biltmoe. They have a $5.95 prime rib special that includes salad and baked potato and it is really good. They also have 3 eggs, hash browns, toast, suasge or bacon for $1.99. Both items not on the menu you have to special request them.
Went up Saturday played 2D, BJ =3-2, DD on 10/11, resplit x4. Played Saturday night and lost due to many people playing who don't know what they're doing. went back in the morning/afternoon and doubled my money.

They also have a "Super 21" game where BJ pays even money but has all the bells and whistles (surrender, 6card21 pay 2-1, DD on any two cards etc) Wouldn't go near it. Beware. I watched it for a while and it is a money machine for the house.