Taking on the casinos


Hey guys,

All of us employ card counting among other techniques to gain an advantage over the house. Obviously, the main goal for most of us is personal gain, but I don’t think I am alone in wanting the casinos to lose money. In my mind, casinos are right up there with tobacco companies in regard to their ethical nature. What are some good ways to really go after the casinos’ bottom line legally? Card counters and advantage players are but a drop in the bucket of casino profits. It would be really nice to damage them financially as much as possible, legally of course. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If you want to beat the casinos on ethical/moral grounds because they take ploppies money, it may pay to bare in mind that any money won from the casino using AP techniques at some point in time came from a ploppy.


That is true. I guess ethically speaking, all money made from advantage play should be put towards helping and educating people with gambling problems.


Well-Known Member
i agreed with the above ,so i just want to win without them hassling over us too much ,since we should somehow co-exist .we are winning the other guys $$$ ,by sharing the good cards with the ploppies ,and not playing when the cards are bad leaving the ploppies playing them.so we are not really taking the casinos $$$ . just sharing a small part of it ,very small .As long as we r not the biggest bettor on the table and not cutting deep into their profit.


Well-Known Member
MH-1, Are you looking to set out on some sort of moral crusade?

Casinos serve no useful purpose in society, and rely on the patronage of a relatively small number of vulnerable people for the majority of their income and profits. Frankly, it wouldn't worry me if every casino on the planet closed for business next week (others, who live in LV or who's lifetime career is within the gaming industry would have a different view I'm sure) But . . .

They provide employment for many people,

They provide "paid for" entertainment of sorts for those who visit occasionally and wager responsibly (albeit individuals effectively decide how much they're willing to pay for it),

They provide a regulated environment where punters will receive a "fair" game (within the limitations of any House Edge - which is known or can be easily researched), ie they don't deal from short decks.

All this is better than the alternative of the back-street bookie?

As for "damaging them" financially, forget it - you won't have enough money or time to have an impact. Counting cards, and getting away with playing with the small advantage that results is a small, private, moral victory - it's does give one a warm glow when you walk out with more than you walked in with, knowing you've beaten them at their own game. But in the grand scheme of things it's of no consequence.


Well-Known Member
B Jack Trash said:
I like to steal their towels. Occasionally I'll leave them with a urinal deuce.
LOL. I liked the one I heard an overweight comedian say, - I lost all my money at the Blackjack table, but I got even at the buffet! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
MH1 said:
Hey guys,

All of us employ card counting among other techniques to gain an advantage over the house. Obviously, the main goal for most of us is personal gain, but I don’t think I am alone in wanting the casinos to lose money. In my mind, casinos are right up there with tobacco companies in regard to their ethical nature. What are some good ways to really go after the casinos’ bottom line legally? Card counters and advantage players are but a drop in the bucket of casino profits. It would be really nice to damage them financially as much as possible, legally of course. Any ideas?
My short answer is.......that I disagree.

The long answer is........

Since I AP on a part time basis I view the casino as my "part time employer" and as such, I do not wish for them to go out of business or for their bottom line to get crushed. When times are tough for the casino we all pay the price because that's when the conditions become less advantageous for the player. AC is a prime example. They have taken huge hits to the bottom line since the PA stores opened and the games have gotten much worse as a result. I like stores that are making a lot of money across the board because they don't sweat the AP as much.......they don't feel the pain as much from my "relatively" small wins, even if they are huge wins for me.

Now AC has brought this on themselves bc they failed to for-see the downturn that was coming. Caught off guard with no plan they f***** themselves and the players in the process. I haven't been to AC in almost a year because I can find much better "work" elsewhere. By not going to AC anymore I am no longer subsidizing the city with food, hotel, gas purchases, etc. While I am only one, I know I am not alone, so you can multiply that by thousands and the loss of revenue really adds up for both the casinos and the auxiliary businesses. Also, it is well known in the casino industry that "action brings more action". By me (and hosts of others) not showing up or going much less frequently, the loss of action compounds exponentially across the tables and the floor. AP's are willing "shills" at the table much like you see on the street at a 3 card monty game. The ploppy needs to see someone winning to keep hope alive and keep pressing his action. Also, just like in any other business, word of mouth is your best advertising and everyday there are fewer and fewer people saying "You have to go to xxxxx store in AC, it's great. I won $1000 there last week.......very favorable games and generous comps."

I think an AP has an "interdependent" relationship with the casinos. I need them to win so that I can win. The bigger they are winning the bigger I can win. I view a similar relationship with the masses. I like these people because without them I likely lose my "part-time job". They are effectively paying my salary. They also need to feel like they are winning, for them to keep coming back, spreading the word to their friends to go play, and for them all to keep paying our salaries. When the rules/conditions change for the negative and the ploppy can't get an occasional win he goes bust and doesn't spend as much time or money in the casino. He also stops recruiting his friends and family to go play. That's when opportunities start to dry up for the AP because the casino then forces conditions to become progressively worse to compensate for the lack of action. It's a foolish move on the part of the casino but it happens time and time again.

Another way of looking at it is to view yourself a stockholder in the casino. As long as they are doing well I can keep cashing in my dividends at a fair and equitable rate. If the casino turns sweaty then nobody wins.....the AP, the masses and the store all lose out.

While I can understand and appreciate your enthusiasm, as for myself, I am solely motivated by money, not by bringing revenge on the evil empire or bringing down the house by "damaging them financially" legally or otherwise. I just want to keep winning a rate that I deem fair for the time and focus I am willing to spend AP'ing.

Just MHO.
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Well-Known Member
AussiePlayer said:
If you want to beat the casinos on ethical/moral grounds because they take ploppies money, it may pay to bare in mind that any money won from the casino using AP techniques at some point in time came from a ploppy.
So what if it came from a ploppy at some point? Was the casino going to give it back to them if you hadn't won??


Well-Known Member
why yes ....yes i do

MH1 said:
Hey guys,

All of us employ card counting among other techniques to gain an advantage over the house. Obviously, the main goal for most of us is personal gain, but I don’t think I am alone in wanting the casinos to lose money. In my mind, casinos are right up there with tobacco companies in regard to their ethical nature. What are some good ways to really go after the casinos’ bottom line legally? Card counters and advantage players are but a drop in the bucket of casino profits. It would be really nice to damage them financially as much as possible, legally of course. Any ideas?
We get about 40 or so buses worth of senior citizens and send them in with 5 bucks apiece and sit them at the penny machines and have them play 1 spin per minute at the minimum.
So if the machine allows a 1cent spin...great ....might be a nickle..great...or a quarter....
Do that for a few days and see how their bottom line looks...:laugh::laugh:

I knew a guy once that used to pour soda pop down the coin slot when he lost...

Another fun thing would to go hit the tables and buy up all their 5 dollar chips....
Hard to operate a casino with out 5 dollar chippies..... or at least a large chunk of them to see em sweat....



New Member
Fine, those of you that are morality superior to other and decide to attack those whom are degenerates, I assume after you get your revenge on the Casinos, will take on the Bars and Nightclubs. How about the fast food joints that serve the degenerate fat people.

Don't forget those that are skinny for they eat up valuable hospital bed space also, and about those damn ski areas that destroy the majestic beauty of the heavily treed slopes.

Those damn rich people have to be re-educated in their RESPONSIBILITY of supporting those that choose not to work.

Ect, Ect, Ect.

USN (Ret)


Well-Known Member
BigEd said:
Fine, those of you that are morality superior to other and decide to attack those whom are degenerates, I assume after you get your revenge on the Casinos, will take on the Bars and Nightclubs. How about the fast food joints that serve the degenerate fat people.

Don't forget those that are skinny for they eat up valuable hospital bed space also, and about those damn ski areas that destroy the majestic beauty of the heavily treed slopes.

Those damn rich people have to be re-educated in their RESPONSIBILITY of supporting those that choose not to work.

Ect, Ect, Ect.

USN (Ret)
Big Ed,
Hey we can all dream ya know. There isnt a chance in hell of ever affecting a casino financially. Unless a mega billion dollar lawsuit was won some how.

One other thing Big Ed...uhhhh you joined the site in 08 and only had 4posts before this one. You decided to respond to this thread?:)



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
buy up all their 5 dollar chips....
Hard to operate a casino with out 5 dollar chippies..... or at least a large chunk of them to see em sweat....

wow this would be awsome. Could this be some kind of sick AP move? Hold them all for ransom, "I want $6 each!". (I've joked about that before when you see people randomly hording chips of some denomination.) Problem is, could you even do this to the smallest of casinos for less than $50,000? That would be 500 of those poker chip racks filled with 100 reds each. but sometimes you see poker rooms with that many alone! I think you have to know a cashier manager or maybe a hacker could find out how many chips they ordered when the place opened? Gotta make sure they dont have like 100,000 of these or something. I think a poker player at some local haunt would have the best shot at this, i have some insane friend who plays poker all day everyday. If he didnt wear such tight pants it would be awsome if he rat holed 3000 chips a day. problem is most places that offer 2/5nl+ might have a million in reds lol! Even if you started to get close to half their chips they probably order more or would just start using a neighbor casinos chips.

ps, i do think that the big APs do hurt the casinos bottom line. that may be .01% of APs but they probably make an enormous dent in their bottom line


Well-Known Member
MH1 said:
Hey guys,

All of us employ card counting among other techniques to gain an advantage over the house. Obviously, the main goal for most of us is personal gain, but I don’t think I am alone in wanting the casinos to lose money. In my mind, casinos are right up there with tobacco companies in regard to their ethical nature. What are some good ways to really go after the casinos’ bottom line legally? Card counters and advantage players are but a drop in the bucket of casino profits. It would be really nice to damage them financially as much as possible, legally of course. Any ideas?
Some Casinos do lose money and have to cease operating. Others lose money and tighten down on card counters or make their games more unplayable. We want casinos to win so they'll leave us alone.


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Some Casinos do lose money and have to cease operating. Others lose money and tighten down on card counters or make their games more unplayable. We want casinos to win so they'll leave us alone.
Yes , very true 21gun, but sometimes, just sometimes, after 17 years of being tossed out now and then..........ya just want a bit of revenge. I have a few in mind as we speak....



Well-Known Member
Interesting thread. Morality and the noble act of seeking revenge on the big bad casino industry for their fleecing of the common folks. :laugh:

I used to think a little bit along those lines. Got a little extra kick out of beating the casinos for just these reasons. But, somewhere along the line, that nobleness faded and was replaced by the truth. It's all about me. I play to pay my bills and better my quality of life. :eek:

And in reality, the casino industry isn't fleecing anyone. They provide a service. No one is forced to go lose their money. It's a choice they make. There are plenty of people who in my opinion foolishly spend their money on other hobbies or forms of entertainment, as I am sure I spend money on things that other people would find foolish. So the casino industry is just one of those options.

Now, as for trying to do harm to a casino's bottom line, I attempt to do that by extracting money for my personal gain, but would never vandalize a machine or property. That seems crazy to me. Even if they have treated me badly in the past. That's just the nature of the business. I don't take these things personally. And quite frankly I don't wish harm on any casino. I want them all to stay in business. More casino's means competition and is better for me. Even if a casino that has unfavorable conditions and I don't play at closes (say evil empire), that is still bad news. Less competition means less incentive for any casino to offer anything worthwhile.


B Jack Trash said:
I like to steal their towels. Occasionally I'll leave them with a urinal deuce.
At least you left something in exchange for the towels. Maybe leave a double deuce next time.