Every group is different in regards to it's overall business plan. The biggest problem we have is finding a casino that has a high enough max bet to take our action. Whether they deal an extra 10 cards is secondary (but not completely unimportant). Players are allowed to use some cover and to the degree that they do use cover it will affect their win rate so there is a formula where the preset EV of any given game is adjusted up or down based on "excess" flux above or below what is expected. This factor for many players has only a very small effect on their players pay for any given bank. With regards to putting out max bets earlier...that would be pretty tough considering for many games our top bet is out there at +2 or +3.RJT said:This is exactly why i don't like result based incentives - you've been "encouraged to play more aggressively". Now while to you that might just mean finding more heads up situations and being more guttsy about putting your big bet out, that could easily translate to putting your big bet out earlier than you should and increasing the team RoR or all kinds of other bad behaviour. And if the incentive is small enough that you'd never be tempted to do that but big enough that you'll still put the extra time and effort in finding the best games and be prepared to take the extra risks to get the money down at the right times you've discovered a very rare balance indeed. I think more likely is that you're the type of player who'll always look for the best situation - the dealer who deals out those 10 cards extra, the table that has less players on it, an occasional HC situation - a perfectionist that realises that better results for him mean better results for the team mean better pay for him. Or would you honestly say you wouldn't do these things if the tiny incentive wasn't there?
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