team play

The Stork

Well-Known Member
I have seen the current emails about getting a team. I am seriously interested in it because I am moving to Vegas this month to live there period.
More over I have played often with my friend and teacher Zen Griffin donating post here. Team play means a lot of preperation. Anybody who is interested can email me or Zen. We should meet, train a certain period before we even be in a casino, and know what kind of role everybody plays.

I am looking into investers I know and will meet in Vegas. Anybody who is serious can email me or Zen. The first thing is to arrange a meet somewhere, when ever we have enough people and money to start even the job. This will take some serious thought and months of training.


[email protected]

The Stork

Well-Known Member
Tell something about myself

My God.. What are you asking me professor Zen.. Do you want to publish my book online. It has about 200 chapters full of experiences. Somehow plain life explinations are somewhat difficult for me but for everything behind the comma I can be sure to be known as a responsible human being. Is this enough sofar....LOL

But I will give it a try.

I am from the netherlands. I came here about 3 years ago being married but truly adoring the odds, I could not swim against it. Therefore I decided to agreed upon a divorce. In 2003 I made it into local talkshows and the press, explaining people that taking risks is something we should all do in order to favourite our personal odds. In Holland I was already a hit being at central station for 7 years guiding lost backpackers into cheaper places or worser for less dollars. Less dollars for a better and high quality joint.

National TV has made a documentary about my life. I have no clue why? That time I was married having naked tourist walking all over the place in my house. The moment I pronounced my first wife that I could love trees unconditionaly it was threated as being a moran instead of a brilliant moment having an experience somewhat deeper than what the normal expectation allows you to be.

I left to the usa and after my marriage with a woman who seemed to like it to much with other man (without permission) I left packed my back and one day plopped besides Zen Griffin highly amused about this 6.4 tall dutch man sitting next to him playing a winning game. Of course he got barred and me the next week. We met and we played 7 months.

I wrote a book what is in the process of editing right now ( excuse my mistakes in grammar here) and will get a site what is made by some one going for getting a seat at the house of representitives in SC. See, I start already better than Arnold Schwartzenegger

4 weeks ago I have jumped myself into a bronze medal at the national championchips in Boston being the first highjumper capable to jump with painkillers and packed ankles over a bar. I have arthiritis. It was the last time but highly amused having the 3th position in the world ranking right now. I am 40...LOL I have denied an operation what made my decision clear. I will stop hurting myself and stop feeding my ego. that is not Zen, isn't that the truth.

My life is going back to vegas where poker and blackjack will goanne have priority. In the meantime I will be known as a motivational speaker for everybody in need to hear that a medal will not give anything besides the medal itselves.

Is this enough or you want me to book will be 20 dollar and david letterman is coming. Sure it will. Can we now form that blackjack team? For anyone willing to see my site it will be soon online. I will keep you informed.

Stork Stu
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The Stork

Well-Known Member
Call of the Wild

Hi Mike,

Here an article about 2003. Keep in touch. I will let you know when all is done. 200 chapters. At least I will have a nice bankroll when making it to at least the david letterman show. LOL. That provide a nice bankroll. How nice illusion could be. You just have to pick the right one and make fun of everybody else who think that their life is the only truth there is.

I am getting lost myself. Wonderfull isn't.

Be well,


High jumper Stuart Wild is training and hopes to make the U.S. Olympic team.

Call of the Wild

High jumper aspires for American dream

Web posted Wednesday, July 30, 2003
By Rob Mueller | Staff Writer
He walks into the lobby at Health Central holding a gym bag in his hands and a story in his heart.

He is lean, 6-foot-5, with a chiseled European face, steel blue eyes and scraggly blonde hair, and he stands out in the crowd of sweaty middle-age businessmen pedaling away on LifeCycles for a lunchtime workout.

He looks like a world-class athlete because that's what he is, an accomplished Dutch-born high jumper chasing an American dream.

He came to the United States nine months ago to marry an American girl, a Medical College of Georgia student he met in Holland, and also to train with the hopes of making the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team.

But there is more to Stuart Wild than meets the eye.

"I am not normal, nor do I wish to be normal," Wild said as he straddles a weight bench before an early afternoon training session. "If you strive to use your full potential as a human being, you can't be normal."

For the 37-year-old Wild, normalcy has never really been an option.

Born in Holland and the son of a rape victim, he was given up for adoption.He spent the first year of his life in an Amsterdam children's hospital.

Adopted as an infant by a young Dutch couple, he was given the name Paul Broekhuizen, a name he says never felt like his own.

The self-proclaimed "black sheep" of the family, he was rejected by his adoptive father, tortured throughout his young life by his own conception, driven to the verge of suicide one day when he was only 19.

In a way, Paul Broekhuizen died that day.

Seventeen years later, he changed his name and changed his life.

Stuart Wild was born, and life has never been better.

"Many people don't dare allow themselves to change, but I knew I had to change everything," Wild said. "I have gone through what you would call a transformation. I always knew who I am inside. As a person, if you are not happy, you must be willing to be a transformation to grow and to find your happiness."

For Wild, this transformation and his ongoing pursuit of happiness, goes beyond competing, winning or claiming a spot on the U.S. Track and Field team.

High jumping, Wild says, is only part of his story.

He became a Christian four weeks ago because, "I don't know why, it just happened, and I am happy because of it."

He works as a dishwasher at a local restaurant and "I do my very best and take as much pride washing dishes as I would any big bucks job."

He is a card-counting expert who makes extra cash playing high-stakes poker on the Internet because, "I like doing things that others are afraid to do."

And he will marry Leanne Buckner in August because, "I love her a lot and helped make her aware of how beautiful a person she is. I feel blessed because of her."

Above all, his sport, he says, is only one small part of the person he has become.

"I don't really care about how high I jump; I only care about enjoying the moment I am in," Wild said."You don't need to beat anybody else, for if you focus on beating everybody else, you have already beaten yourself. This is what I feel I can give to people.

"So many people are focused on being a champion or making the big bucks in their jobs, or whatever, and once they become a champion, they realize they have nothing. I would like to help people to see what I have seen."

Which is why Wild looks down the road and sees himself not as am athlete, but as something more. Something kind of like a "spiritual adviser, coach, and motivational speaker," he says.

"You don't see many like Stuart around the gym," said Harry Mercer, a certified strength and conditioning coach who works with Wild. "When you have a certain, strong spiritual outlook on life, like Stuart does, you can free yourself from certain restrictions you have, and I think that certainly helps him with his jumping."

As for his quest to revive his high jumping career at 37, that is only a small part of his American dream.

Wild hopes to volunteer his services to local high school track teams that not only hope to develop young athletes, but also young spirits.

"I feel with my transformation as a person, that I can work as a motivational speaker and work as coach to really help people," he said. I had kind of a rough childhood, and now I am at this point in my life where I am happy. I think I can help others to see what I have seen."

Mercer believes Wild can do just about anything he sets his mind to do, including making his Olympic dream come true.

"He's got the genetics to begin with - the bones and muscle and connective tissue - but he has an enormous attitude on life that makes a big difference," Mercer said. "He's one of these people who can almost defy gravity, because he has the mental attitude and courage to completely let go and through himself up at the bar. There's no fear."

Facing the fear of clearing a 7-foot-4 high bar, Wild says, is much like fearing, and ultimately clearing, life's many hurdles.

"Being able to step into change and trusting without knowing the outcome is the only formula that makes a successful person, feeling special without the need to be in the spotlights," reads the signature to one of Wild's recent e-mails. "That jump is a final jump we need to make, all of us."

About Stuart Wild

Who/what: A native of Holland, Wild is a high jumper who now lives and trains in Augusta. Wild and his fiancee, MCG student Leanne Buckner, will marry in three weeks, making him a U.S. citizen. He hopes to compete in the national events and qualify for the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team. The 37-year-old Wild, who said he overcame a difficult childhood, hopes to draw from his past experience to help others as a motivational speaker, as well as to volunteer with area schools as a track coach. He also hopes to raise money for local homeless shelters by selling T-shirts with inspirational and motivational messages.

When/Where: Wild trains daily at Health Central and practices his jumps at Paine College.

Why: "I feel with my transformation as a person, that I can work as a motivational speaker and work as coach to really help people," Wild said. "I had kind of a rough childhood, and now I am at this point in my life where I am happy. I think I can help others to see what I have seen."

On the Web: (Archive copy).

The Stork

Well-Known Member
Relating Olympics

Hi E-town guy.

I haven't made the olympic team in Holland. I never had coach either. the conditions according to sport here in the US are so much better. Hopefully I got something done with my ankles, so I can jump next year about 6.7 6.8 That would not be bad being We will see. Would be nice combination. Playing blackjack and jumping over a bar. Something else.. Zen already considered running at the strip a good way to stay fit. You know running from one joint to the other.

Life is sweet isn't it. Just live it.



Counting system

Hi Stuard, greate initiative. I was wondering what counting system your team are going to use.

The Stork

Well-Known Member

Hi Quper,

I consider High-Low good enough. Teamplayers should be able to work at the same level although every one of us will have seperate job initiations. Simplicity is the key. I have started my carreer Uston APC. That is by far to much to ask for using that as a basis.

Hope this answers your questions.



I have downloaded some pages from amazona (Blackjack Bluebook II) and have discovered that the two best systems are Mentor and Wong Halves. I have been learning it a couple of months now and i have to say that its a reliefe not to have to count the aces and still have a bigger advantage then if i used another system and counted them. Is it just me that think we should go over to Mentor instead because of its power and how easy it is, i know Hi/Lo are propably to big to just change from but its easier when you only need to count one thnik and remember the same thing. for everyone that doesnt know it you count

2,7=1 3-6=2 9,A= -1 and T= -2 . its a little more math but less to to remember. i realy like it.

By the way, i have a tips to every counters thats out there and can speak or count in more then one language. Instead of counting like one and minus one and so on, or onehundred, ninetynine like the wrighter of Blackjack Bluebook II was using, I use to count minus in one language and plus in another, for me that are swedish i count when its plus on my real language down to nill, then when its minus i count in english. In that way I cut down the time it takes to say the word in my head. I whould like to know if anyone had a better way of counting minuses and so on.


Well-Known Member
I think most counters don't actually say the word "minus" in their head. I just say m1, m2, m3, etc.

I do speak two languages, but I think that switching would just make it harder for me to keep the count.