Team Play

How many here play on teams? How did you find a team? I'm interested in finding a trustworthy teammate or two, but have no idea where to start. . Suggestions/Ideas for finding reliable teammates?


Well-Known Member
Quite an interesting first post! Welcome to the forums? :confused:

I don't know how many answers you're likely to get without being trusted yourself. You might be an experienced player - or a casino spy.

You could start with searching the forums since team play has been discussed before.


Well-Known Member
Midwestplayer said:
How many here play on teams? How did you find a team? I'm interested in finding a trustworthy teammate or two, but have no idea where to start. . Suggestions/Ideas for finding reliable teammates?
Simple. Just find someone you can hand $10,000 to with no fear of chicanery.


Well-Known Member
Maybe (Dead link: _Midwest Player_ will be interested. :joker:


Well-Known Member
I almost always play with teams, but I'm not on "a team" because it is constantly changing.

I have personally played with two types:

1) Trained my friends and played with them

2) Play with people I've met at The Bash

Option #2 has been far better and I play consistently with at least 5 different people I've met at the two Bashes I've gone to.

In honor of Midwest Player, a long time and very serious player who has certainly paid his dues, may I kindly suggest you change your handle so as not to cause confusion or worse?

You have only made one post so it would be easy for you to do.:)



Too late

creeping panther said:
In honor of Midwest Player, a long time and very serious player who has certainly paid his dues, may I kindly suggest you change your handle so as not to cause confusion or worse?

You have only made one post so it would be easy for you to do.:)

It already confused me. I thought this poster was the deceased EK.


Well-Known Member
Midwestplayer said:
How many here play on teams? How did you find a team? I'm interested in finding a trustworthy teammate or two, but have no idea where to start. . Suggestions/Ideas for finding reliable teammates?
Network, Network, Network. Hone your craft and Network some more.
Seems to be a tough crowd here. One post and I'm questioned as a casino spy and told I need to change my name because of some former player. :whip:

I've tried training a couple people whom I trust, but they seem to lose interest and aren't willing to spend the time memorizing the charts and keeping a count. I also don't tell too many people because of how often people judge any person who brings up blackjack as a simple "gambler" who is going to throw all his money away :/

I started a thread about it to get some ideas on how other people went about finding reliable teammates. Did you just find a close friend? Or did you ever meet someone at a casino? Oh and feel free not to answer if you fear I am a casino spy! :joker:


Well-Known Member
Midwestplayer said:
Seems to be a tough crowd here. One post and I'm questioned as a casino spy and told I need to change my name because of some former player. :whip:
Not FORMER player, current player..

As for it being a tough crowd, sometimes it is. Tough business too. Best advice is to have a fairly thick skin and go with the flow.


Well-Known Member
Midwestplayer said:
In any case, I'll change my name if he posts here. Until then, I don't see a problem.
His most recent post was 6 days ago and I don't think he's going anywhere....

(Dead link:
Woops! Apologies to Midwestplayer for making a similar username. I officially changed mine (not as easy as it sounds); hopefully there is not a similar name to this one!


Well-Known Member
Midnightblues said:
How many here play on teams? How did you find a team? I'm interested in finding a trustworthy teammate or two, but have no idea where to start. . Suggestions/Ideas for finding reliable teammates?
1. People you know. Almost all of the teammates i've had I knew personally before we started playing together
2. Network on this site and other sites. This takes time but can also be a good way of finding teammates. I know several people from this site that have successfully played with people they have met via
Fairly experienced, but still not "connected"

I am also interested in this topic of how one goes about finding teamates or being accepted onto a team. I would love to get involved in team play w/an existing team but, although I'm already an experienced player familiar with counting and to some extent shuffle tracking, I'm virtually unknown to the a.p. community. This is because, as I've stated in other threads, I'm limited to the venues that I can play and am not entirely sure that I've ever even encountered another counter at the tables much less openly met one in person. Plus I've only recently begun engaging w/other a.p.'s here on the forum - with virtually all of my learning to this point done passively through books or the info on this and other forums (except for my actual casino experience). Therefore I must take issue w/some of the posters in other threads that state that anyone who is sufficently competent to ply their skills in the actual casino world will already be sufficently "networked" to be a candidate for team play. That assumption does not fit my profile at all. So the main issue for consideration there would be trust since I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any problems getting through the necessary check outs to qualify for a team.

In this regard, I'm wondering what the veteran players and team managers think is the biggest problem when considering new players; trust or the hassle and time investment of training already trusted associates. From what I've read here and in other communications w/players, training already familiar people is usually a major pain in the a$$ since they often lack the devotion and commitment necessary to become sufficently skilled, or they just give up out of boredom. So obviously, taking on someone who's already invested the time and commitment to develop their skills would be a major benefit - assuming you don't think they would try and rob you blind of course. But how big of a problem is that really? It seems to me that doing something capricious like stealing or skimming team funds would be a huge detriment to longevity for a commited player since something like that, if discovered, would spread like a viral video through the a.p. community and you could effectively be blackballed from the game. How many teams or team managers have actually had problems with players cheating the teams bank? I don't recall any of the teams I've read about talking about this being much of an issue, but this could just be more a result of careful recruitment I guess.


Well-Known Member
Shared heat

I try to avoid being seen with other APs, this had made me fearful of working with others. My hourly and camo are solid now. I think the main way I could get busted would be by being seen with other aps, etc


Well-Known Member
blackriver said:
I try to avoid being seen with other APs, this had made me fearful of working with others. My hourly and camo are solid now. I think the main way I could get busted would be by being seen with other aps, etc
If you are satisfied with how you are doing on your own, why would you want to meet with others anyway? The hoped for gains must be greater than the risk of spoiling something good that you already have.


Well-Known Member
I only play on teams for the most part and love it. If you want to start "networking" then I recommend trying to get invited to a BASH or at least hang out in the chat room sometimes and get to know some of the other people.