You gonna teach him that? Better use Trend-Analysis pattern recognition! zgbj bob said:Just like one should "feel" the deck for streaks (certainly you've read that in other posts).
Exactly what do you think you will get out of recognizing trends/patterns? See the "Cipher" controversy for more bob said:If he can't recognize trends/patterns then he may have to resort to math. God forgive us all! Then I'll have to send him to you Kinder Kamp and become a "meanie" and win money. That sounds very materialistic to me.
The trend lately is for posts to go off topic and start discussing trends/patterns!bj bob said:Tell him, Zg what the trend/pattern of this thread is.(I can already predict it.)
bj bob said:I think the underlying point was that he wants me to go "all out" on this first trip and I'm saying that I want to start at square one and procede from there. ]
Gorilla play would be a lot of fun and show the kid how counting works, and he may want to become an AP player some day, his inexperence would work great as cover. Could be a lot of fun for a father and son.
Mikeabear, there is a lot to be said for recreational play, on Saturday night when the tables are to crowded with ploppys and drunks. I go find a red chip table with people who seem to be having a good time, buy in for 100.00 and flat bet minimums, drink beer and have a good time. Sometimes when I am done I get most if not all my buy-in back when I color-up.
TENNBEAR said:I admonished the initial poster for starting this threaf in 'Advanced Strategies' and now it degenerated to praising the joys of recreational flatbetting! zgbj bob said:Mikeabear, there is a lot to be said for recreational play, on Saturday night when the tables are to crowded with ploppys and drunks. I go find a red chip table with people who seem to be having a good time, buy in for 100.00 and flat bet minimums, drink beer and have a good time. Sometimes when I am done I get most if not all my buy-in back when I color-up.
So the gorilla is betting more than a one man counter would in those situations? I think I got it.zengrifter said:The counter isn't betting, just small bets. The gorilla lays down a great act, maybe drunk and plays a BIG spread. zg
Considerably more while appearing to be a drunk idot not looking at the cards. zgE-town-guy said:So the gorilla is betting more than a one man counter would in those situations? I think I got it.
You will still have a positive EV but your son (only using a 1-2 spread) will not. If you are the only two players at the table then he may actually increase your EV a bit (having 2 players at a SD table is more valuable than playing heads up, assuming you’re at spot #2), although he will be reducing your EV all other times (as ZG mentioned).bj bob said:I,m playing my usual way1-4 spread 2x3U. He's going 1U until he gets +signal(playing BS BTW) then up to 2.
Man, I need more friends like yours!TENNBEAR said:I have done this with a friends wife whome is a big breasted blonde 20 years my junior
Right. If the counter is flat betting $5 and the gorilla jumps in and flat bets $200 then they are using over a 1-40 spread! And the gorilla can act completely drunk and obnoxious without even looking at the cards while he plays. Ken Uston wrote several fine books on the subject.E-town-guy said:So the gorilla is betting more than a one man counter would in those situations? I think I got it.
That’s a good plan. When he’s ready for the big time you guys can give the casinos hell!:devil:bj bob said:I think the underlying point was that he wants me to go "all out" on this first trip and I'm saying that I want to start at square one and procede from there.
So does the gorilla player not play a lot of hands as well? If I ever had someone interested in playing with me I'd give this idea a shot but alas no sexy ladies want to play blackjack with me.Sonny said:Right. If the counter is flat betting $5 and the gorilla jumps in and flat bets $200 then they are using over a 1-40 spread! And the gorilla can act completely drunk and obnoxious without even looking at the cards while he plays. Ken Uston wrote several fine books on the subject.
They both play-all, though the gorilla, when signaled, can find endless excuses to skip hands. zgE-town-guy said:So does the gorilla player not play a lot of hands as well? If I ever had someone interested in playing with me I'd give this idea a shot but alas no sexy ladies want to play blackjack with me.