Thanks Ken and to everyone who has contributed


Well-Known Member
This is an amazing site filled with tons of experience and knowledge. Thanks to everyone who has touched my life one way or another and hope to still meet with some of you. I will never give up and never give best to all!

yesiamred said:
This is an amazing site filled with tons of experience and knowledge. Thanks to everyone who has touched my life one way or another and hope to still meet with some of you. I will never give up and never give best to all!
We love you too Red.:cool::)



I just wanted to add my thanks, too, Ken, for the site. I didn't post much, but lurked for about three years, and it was one of my favorites sites on the web to visit. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

I'll miss it and the other posters. Hope to run across some of you at other sites.


I could just puke right now...

Ugh... I guess I am taking this pretty hard. I need to read through and find out specifically what Ken's gameplan is. Is this a matter of "Poof! It's gone!" one day soon? Is blackjackinfo fading into the dust to be lost in the sands of time or some crazy sh*t like that? I guess I'll dig around and find out.

Something odd and contradictory, Ken. You stated, "I've gotten one or two offers a year for the site but I turned them down" and "You wouldn't like my price" but you are shutting it down instead? I need to read more and try to figure out your thought process (above and beyond the "I don't wish to be pinned down to this and am ready to move on" scenario).

It's been fun. Take care all. Should you ever run into a woman that looks a lot like Joan Rivers in a casino playing blackjack, be advised that that she might be a man and that if you run your hand up her thigh she might have a mean right hook!


Well-Known Member
You are one strange dude, Tarzan! :laugh: But a great example of the beauty of this site and what I will miss the most. :)


Tarzan said:
Ugh... I guess I am taking this pretty hard. I need to read through and find out specifically what Ken's gameplan is. Is this a matter of "Poof! It's gone!" one day soon? Is blackjackinfo fading into the dust to be lost in the sands of time or some crazy sh*t like that?
He's going to lock it in carbonite and bury it in a time-capsule. :vomit:
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Well-Known Member

I too am sad to see the message boards go, it was fun to share and learn, and thanx to Ken for hosting it, and thanx to all who contributed. Was a great way to find out about conditions of places, pass along experiences, and get some insights on, well, everything. To everyone, may ur runs of bad variance be short, annoying ploppies be minimal, and some real kick-butt plays pay off. See you at the tables.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ken. Thanks to everyone who's participated on this site. You will not believe how much I have learned in this past year and a half. *I* cannot believe how much I have learned in this time. There are moves that I still cannot perform. But there were moves that I was told that cannot be performed which I've discovered are possible. It has been an incredible journey. With the close of this site, it feels like the end of a chapter. I'm ready to turn a new page, as I know all of you soon will as well. I wish it will be a great new chapter, spectacular, full of sound and fury, marked with positive variance, lined with clever new ideas and innovations, a grand adventure, and an ever intriguing journey. Travel safely. Enjoy the company you're with and may you be blessed with many new friends. Don't lose touch with the friends you've already made. Be well, friends.