The 1,000 Hour Rule and Blackjack


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
The key to success in blackjack is playing 1,000 hours.
Secondly, to bet conservatively to last 1,000 hours.
Over what time period? I don't actually track my play by time, opting to estimate hands played instead, but I have definatly put in more than 1000 hours per year for last 3 years. It is my understanding that few players, put in that kind of time.

kewljason said:
Over what time period? I don't actually track my play by time, opting to estimate hands played instead, but I have definatly put in more than 1000 hours per year for last 3 years. It is my understanding that few players, put in that kind of time.
A couple AP's I play with average a little more than 1000 hours and are doing very well. They also have steady jobs:)



Well-Known Member
Strength of Game

The strength of the game you are playing has a large part to do with this. 1000 hours at one game might be equivalent to 500 hours at a better game, with respect to both EV and NO ("long run").


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
A couple AP's I play with average a little more than 1000 hours and are doing very well. They also have steady jobs:)

Well, Mr Panther, as I said, I don't really track my results by time, but I would estimate that I put in 1200+ hours last year playing BJ. That's just playing. I spend at least that amount scouting, walking the strip, traveling to outlying 'locals' casinos. Add in some record keeping time and I devote well over 50 hours a week to my blackjack career, and that's about the limit I care to devote to 'working'. Life is too short and ya gotta make some time for other things you enjoy. :) In fairness, my line between work and pleasure is sometimes blurred as I enjoy spending time on the strip, eating, having a couple drinks, sometimes just people watching. So I could head over to the strip just for a meal and to watch some "goings-ons", but let me walk past a juicy opportunity and my leasure time becomes work time. :laugh:

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
The one year I played full time I logged about 1800 hours in a 12 month span and this was almost exclusively in my home state. The games aren't that good anymore, so playing that much in one place would be foolish. I'm not even sure you could get 1800 hours in CA or NV in one year without getting backed off all over the place and even then you are covering a much bigger area than I was. I rarely even stayed the night away from home.

These days I play more like 500-700 hours per year but I travel to *all* games and they are very rarely straight count games. Usually promos and side bets with scores in the hundreds or even thousands.


Well-Known Member
The Chaperone said:
The one year I played full time I logged about 1800 hours in a 12 month span and this was almost exclusively in my home state. The games aren't that good anymore, so playing that much in one place would be foolish. I'm not even sure you could get 1800 hours in CA or NV in one year without getting backed off all over the place and even then you are covering a much bigger area than I was. I rarely even stayed the night away from home.

These days I play more like 500-700 hours per year but I travel to *all* games and they are very rarely straight count games. Usually promos and side bets with scores in the hundreds or even thousands.
I was lucky enough to have someone forward me a copy of your post, deleted from the other board, Mr Chap. Very informative reading. :) You have a grand way of attacking. You and I are at opposite ends of the playing field. I am a grinder (a term placed on me quite a while ago by a member, which I have come to playing alot, sometime playing mediocre to what others would consider bad games. Play short sessions at low/mid level and fly under the radar. You target and travel to the best games with grand promotions and move in for the kill. :)

So that 1800 hour number. Is that purely table time or include misc time such as scouting ect?

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Short Term Madness, Long Term Insanity

The point of this thread is that the short term means virtually nothing. How many threads/posts are complaints about losing in the short term? The only thing the short term tells us is if we need to resize our bank if we bet a high fraction of kelly. Many run their sims, look at the SCORE and then compare their short term play to SCORE, when short term play should be defined by VARIANCE.

short term mandness
can lead to
long term insanity