the "Ace" on Blackjack


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ya gotta love this guy.

Frankly Speaking

Speaking 23

Written by Frank 'The Ace' Rosenthal on May 15, 2007

I am a young gambler living around some of your old haunts in Bridgeport, Chicago. I had a few questions concerning blackjack, particularly single deck. Is it the most adventageous version to play? Will you gain even more of an advantage at a full table by sitting at the last position? How much of an advantage will you have over the house by using the basic plus/minus counting system? And finally, why does AC allow this and not Vegas? Thanks a bunch for your time, and good luck with all of your future endeavors.

Answer: Yes, single decks do provide "sharp" Blackjack players with an open advantage, Yep, you're on the right track, regarding the last seat. The basic "plus/minus"count can become a wining edge, if the player is highly disciplined and advanced. BJ Card counters, working in a casino that does not have experienced and knowledgeable personnel are fair-game. "Milking" the casino, rather than trying to knock their lights out is recommended. In other words, do not play too high, in order to avoid a closer look from casino personnel. You are correct; Atlantic City casinos can not "86" a card counter. Las Vegas, and Nevada have been playing scared for decades, due to their greed and incompetence. Not only are they hoping to knock you senseless, they're also trying to send you home "COD."
Good Luck!
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