The attack of the Wongers?


Well-Known Member
Some things i do to make it less Obvious...

-Walk past a table while counting it, as if its not even there, while obviously eyeing up the table next to it, then come back just after the second hand is on the table to begin watching it for the rest fo the shoe.
-Sit down at the table and look around as if im waiting for somebody, and just talk with he people there that are playing. Ill straight up tell them im waiting most of the time.
-Sit down and insist that you play better when your drunk and refuse to play untill you get your drink.
-Refuse to play since the dealer just got XXX or because XXX just happened.
-When sitting out a few hands after playing previously in the shoe, claim you need to pace yourself so that you can last the whole night.
-Stand between a roullette wheel and a blacjack table, and apear to find both games interesting.
-At borgata there is one table with a building support colomb right behind the table i often lean against it surfing the web on my (samsung blackjack II :grin:) while counting the table, i also try to apear as if im waiting or looking for somebody.
-sometimes i will see a table with a freshly cut shoe and only one player playing, i may deliberately keep out of viewing range fo that table untill the one player and the dealer have played one or two hands, i then view the cards i missed as additional unknown card behind the cut card and begine counting after the shoe has already begun, it seems very non counterish, but while backcounting it realy only effects the amount of time you invest looking for positive counts.


How on earth do you count two tables at the same time? I can keep track perfectly of one table, no matter how fast the dealer (at least, all that I've seen). I just figured, counting more than one table would be too insane to ever practice. Seems kind of common from people on these forums.

Seems like backcounting isn't as hard as I thought, just.. i can't be totally obvious about it. I think I've gone about it the right way so far.


Well-Known Member
natdm said:
How on earth do you count two tables at the same time?
As with most things in life, very poorly at first but better with practice. :grin:

There's no special trick that I use, just alternate my view and count very, very quickly. This is why drills are important - frequently you're looking at 8-10 cards and have 3 seconds to count it before the dealer sweeps them up.

Usually I try to count two tables that are within the same line of sight, rather than standing between them and looking back and forth like I'm at a ping pong match.

Remember that once the count drops below an "unrecoverable" point, you can forget it. I usually stop at TC -3; the chances of it recovering to my Wong-in point are pretty low.


Well-Known Member
natdm said:
How on earth do you count two tables at the same time? I can keep track perfectly of one table, no matter how fast the dealer (at least, all that I've seen). I just figured, counting more than one table would be too insane to ever practice. Seems kind of common from people on these forums.

Seems like backcounting isn't as hard as I thought, just.. i can't be totally obvious about it. I think I've gone about it the right way so far.
Sometimes, if I am counting two tables, I will keep the running count from table 1 on my fingers in my pocket while I count table #2. Makes it easier to remember two counts.


Well-Known Member
I keep the numbers bouncing around in my head as they change. For example,
"three two, three three, four three," etc.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
natdm said:
How on earth do you count two tables at the same time? I can keep track perfectly of one table, no matter how fast the dealer (at least, all that I've seen). I just figured, counting more than one table would be too insane to ever practice. Seems kind of common from people on these forums.

Seems like backcounting isn't as hard as I thought, just.. i can't be totally obvious about it. I think I've gone about it the right way so far.
Usually one of the tables drops low enough, or one of the tables gets high enough that you are only counting one most of the time.