The Bear Growls: Harrah's guard stabbing jury got it right


The Bear Growls: Harrah's guard stabbing jury got it right

Las Vegas blackjack player, casino critic, and frequent contributor LVBear offers his opinions on things that sometimes go wrong in the world of casinos.

By LVBear
[email protected]

The guy who stabbed the Harrah's guards in Lake Tahoe was acquitted. What is interesting is that the defense used the theory similar to a skilled patron not complying with the demands of casino guards; i.e., it is the guards who committed assault and/or battery and we are forced into self-defense mode. Though I have no personal knowledge of this case except for what has been in the news, it appears that this jury got it right.

I am certainly not advocating stabbing casino guards, but it is good to see that this jury apparently didn’t blindly buy into the story that casino guards have to resort to violence against a patron simply because they want to eject him from the premises.

I would like to read the transcript about what "training" regarding use of force the guards testified that they received, if any. I would guess that one or both of the following caused the guard to react violently against Mr. Ready:

(a) Bad or non-existent training by the employer;
(b) The guard who instigated the violence is not fit for the job.

If (a) is correct, I hope the guards involved sue Harrah's for their injuries. I also hope that Mr. Ready sues Harrah's and everyone involved for compensation for the ten months gone from his life.

Attempted murder suspect Justin Ready testified Thursday that he feared for his life when three casino security guards detained him in a darkened room and placed him in what he described as a chokehold. ...

He testified he was willing to leave the casino, but was attacked by the guards before he had a chance. ...

A casino security guard testified Wednesday morning about the training involved in his job, handling disruptive patrons and details about the night when he was stabbed in the neck. ...

Defense attorney Dirk Manoukian said Ready, a Bay Area dj known as MC Fader, acted in self defense. ...

"You see Mr. Gontang (the guard) assault Justin, push him against the wall," Gardner said after viewing the videotape. "Nothing occurred prior to justify that." ...

The security guard's behavior "takes a situation that wasn't going to be a problem and raises the temperature considerably," Gardner said. ...



Well-Known Member
The guy uses a boxcutter on his job in Texas,and brings it with him on vacation. Yeah....I buy that.
On a different note-I thought Stateline was another name they use for Primm,not Tahoe.